What to Consider Before Jumping into Change
KYD Insider Elizabeth posted a thought-provoking question on our Facebook page. After sixteen years of teaching, she is ready for a change and not exactly sure where to start. This is exactly how we felt a few years ago and perhaps you can relate too!
Elizabeth’s question prompted a conversation worthwhile enough to turn the mic on and chat about it in a longer format. After all, Elizabeth might not be the only person feeling this way and perhaps our conversation can prompt ideas in your life too.
To listen, press below. This podcast episode will be be released on iTunes Thursday, December 26th at 7 am.
Questions for you! Comment Below 🙂
- Do you want more episodes like this?
- Do you like an unedited, long format show?
- What did you get out of this conversation?
- What topics do you want us to chat about next?
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If you haven’t tuned into a podcast before, there are several ways to listen. The best way is tune in while driving and you can access the podcast through iTunes on an iPhone or a podcast app on your Android.
The easiest way to listen is on our website, but listening to a 55 min podcast on a computer is not very convenient.
Another easy way to listen is just to ask Alexa, “Hey Alexa, play Keep Your Daydream podcast” and she will!
We’re in the process of uploading to Spotify.
Books mentioned in this episode:
If someone who you admired, because of their accomplishments, invited you to lunch, would you go? Would you bring a pen and make some notes? I’m guessing not only would you go, but you might reschedule some appointments to make it happen! Yet, these same people write books to share everything they learned in their lifetime and many of the books are unread by people that want the results they achieved.
This is why we’re such advocates of reading and learning. As tempting as it is to look at Instagram just prior to falling asleep, that’s not serving us. The thoughts created from the books on our reading list are far better to have in our subconscious while sleeping.
*These links will take you to our Amazon storefront. Then click on the category “KYD Reading List” to find these books.
What is happiness? Instead of happiness being elusive, Shawn helps you pin down the definition happiness to make obtainable.
This book is all about systematizing your business to make it work for you! If you want freedom in your business, understanding the concepts in this book are essential.
Really enjoyed listening… watch your YouTube videos all the time … but this is our first ever podcast… green huh! Another new learning curve.
We are starting to plan.. dream… ponder a new lifestyle and find your views on life very inspiring, love the free flow chat.. similar to your videos … so a big thumbs up from me.
Question… when in a relationship where one is very spontaneous and the other a procrastinator… how do you blend two personalities into one dream and make it happen?
Liane and Alan… NZ
Hi Liane, Or Kia Ora rather 🙂 Yes, on our Amazon page there is a book section. Check out The Four Tendencies. It may help understand each other better and help put into one dream. https://amzn.to/2rnyB2G
Marc and Trish
I have been following and listening to KYD for a couple of weeks. It has put me into reset mode. The conversation on how to just start was truly inspiring. I throughly enjoyed the unedited podcast and hope it continues. I’m just starting to appreciate and learn on the benefits and quality utube and podcasts. Christine and I are re-discovering on what’s next. I am throughly taking everything in on your course and looking at what small steps we can do now to start moving forward making SomeDay a reality.
Ron & Christine ONT Canada
MIA please keep the podcast going miss you guys.
Marc and Trish,
Thank you for your podcast! I’m just getting into podcasts BECAUSE I’ve been looking for others story on becoming more Independent lifestyle and make money and find a rewarding outcome. I’m a KYD follower on YouTube and was interested to find you had a podcast. I think all the interviews trish did about taking next step and living the dream ….she should take highlights of those interviews and. create Podcasts (since you already have the insight and past episodes) and create highlight episodes and have her top Q&A . discuss in podcast of the things or points she would now understand (after being on the road ) after making a new lifestyle to help others learn how to take those next steps ???? ????
I have listed to two of your pod cast in a roll now, and I have enjoyed and agreed to a lot of stuff you said in this one. When tried to list to one of them earlier this year I fell asleep in the middle of it, but thats because I stay up until 4:00 A.M. every Monday morning to try to keep my sleep schedule for my night sift job that I hate. After watching y’all’s videos on YouTube for a few years now and inspired me to one thing I have always want to do in my life, but in a lot better way. My dad was a truck drive for 20 years and I was wanting to follow his foot steps just to see this beautiful country, but I have a family now and I love being here with them. I was inspired to hook up our travel trailer and live in it and just travel and that all we want to do now, but the only thing that is stopping us, is that when have no source of income if I quit my welding job that I hate doing so much. What are other ways, besides Youtube, can you make a living while on the road?
Yes this was awesome I love the raw conversation!! Keep up the good work!
I just started listening to podcasts about full time RV travel. I have watched your journey from the beginning, an now re-watching with my wife. We are interested in hearing more about your and other family’s who have taken a leap into an alternate lifestyle. I think we would like give it a try (someday), as soon as we can relieve ourselves from obligations we are in now.
Keep the information coming. We will be empty nester’s soon, and will be more flexible in our decisions.
I like the format! Sending you guys an email 🙂
I love podcasts for when I am doing mundane admin… so I did enjoy this. Please do more
Yes! I loved listening to this podcast and would like to hear more! I especially enjoyed your thoughts on cleaning out areas of our life to make room for new things to come in. I did not think it was too long. I actually prefer the unedited conversational format. More please!
Hi Marc & Trish,
Yes, please keep them coming. I like this format ie. longer & informal. The way the conversation bounces between you both is easy to listen to & always very informative. We are planning our “grey nomad adventure” to begin April ‘21 down here in Aus. Your podcasts & Youtube have been a big part of keeping our day dream, so thanks.
Until the next video or podcast, hoo roo from under down under (Tasmania). Cheers, Paul & Helen
Trish & Marc,
I enjoyed this topic, especially the de-cluttering thought. I listen to audio content while doing my morning walk before work, so keep these coming when you have the time.
All the best.
I loved the long for discussion. Interviews can be another way to have long form discussions. I know that you used to do interviews, but maybe a new slate of free form discussions would be nice. It would not hurt to repeat some topics to see how things have changed or not. Love you folks. Keep it up.
Yes, Trish would love to interview authors. She has already done one that needs editing. Goog points!
The hour long un-edited podcast format is great! I’m not caught up on your youtube videos, but this format occupies another place in the day, commuting or walking, so it’s easier to fit in.
Topic suggestion. We’ve finally set a date to hit the road with our trailer and more recently acquired van. April 2021, when my wife’s lease is up and she’ll have handed off her business or not. Downsizing has begun, we spent Christmas day driving stuff where we have an attic with free storage space. During that trip we went through a “Hitting The Road Checklist” that a nice Australian couple put together. It was well organized, with things to think about 12 months out, 6 months, and closer to your departure date. We feel like we’ve got a pretty good list, but imagine you might have some great insight into not only what to take care of well in advance to leaving, but also what to not do until after you’ve left, which is something you mentioned once on youtube.
Ohhhh wuaw I love this podcast. I been watching your videos on youtube and you are so helpful in every way. I’m also going to start listening your podcast specially if are like this one. I’m from Barcelona and my husband from the US, we live in Spain but changes are coming soon. We have been working at list for one year an a half to make a big change in our life, we decided to make a change when I got pregnant with our 3rt child, we are working so hard and we completely changed our life style, we just want to have more family time. Listening to you is giving me the power I needed to keep going this way. Thank you so much I already love how you are, how you comunicate and all your values in life. Have a great day
Yes, please do more of these informal discussions.. It was beneficial (as Marc questioned at 52 minutes)! One of my favorite things about KYD is your philosophy. This format allowed for that. I have appreciated you ever since I watched the Acadia National Park episode and at the end you spoke of going from Good to Great, Please keep em coming. Thank you for sharing the books you read and your growth!
Thanks Karen!
Yes, I loved the format and would love to hear more podcasts like this one. Your idea about finding the SMALL things we can change TODAY to move toward our dreams has really got my husband and me thinking and talking. We feel inspired! Thank you!
That’s awesome!
We are currently feeling a rut at the moment in life !! I love that you talked about this ideas. I Would love more of this format conversation. Please keep them coming.
Mrs. Shaney Matthews
Thanks for your feedback!
Love the pod casts. You guys should do a live stream pod cast Would be pretty sweet.
Thanks Jeff, We do a livestream with the Insiders almost monthly. This way, we don’t have to deal with trolls, but we would like to do a livestream on the channel soon and likely will. They are a lot of fun and we keep it moving fast.
I appreciated this podcast. I really relate to this theme. I too feel I am at a crossroad. Have been following all that you guys do, it’s fun and inspirational.
Suggestion for Elizabeth… I know a friend who teaches online. He is a professor and does online courses. He also does online tutoring. Maybe something for her to explore to allow her to free up her time to travel. Just needs a internet connection and laptop!
Love your channel and this new podcast. My husband and I are considering going on a year-long RVing experience. He is an attorney by trade. Myself a paralegal/bookkeeper. We just sold a business we had that was tying us down (a service industry business). We were very blessed with it, but want something different in our lives. Looking to do work remotely. More time for each other, more time to travel, exercise, slow down and enjoy nature.
I like the way you bounce ideas off each other. I would be interested in listening to my Podcasts.
I think that the format is fine. I don’t need my podcasts to be polished and perfect. I also got a lot out of this podcast episode. I also felt this way a couple of years ago and for me I didn’t need a career change. I just needed to find a hobby or something that lit me on fire. With 4 little kids the timing wasn’t right for me to drop everything and hit the road. (we are also campers and would love to full time it.) We didn’t have jobs that could be remote and I didn’t want to attempt homeschooling with that many little kids all different ages. What I found inspiration in was taking one big wow trip every year. With my current job I get a lot of vacation time and I thought why not use that time to take an inspiring dream trip every year. I decided to start earning flight points to make my trips affordable and not to strain the family budget. We took our first dream trip to South Dakota last year and I have been hooked. Having this spark in my personal life has made me happier in my professional life too.
Hi Marc and Trish,
I am new to Podcasts but love your YouTube channel. This was a great topic and it got me thinking of where I have been and where I am going in life. I have been in an out of the landscaping industry for 30 years. Left it for a while, tried some new industries, new positions and guess what…you are right! Just a new set of problems. So two years ago I took the leap and started my own landscaping company with basically nothing except my awesome wife’s support and encouragement. I went back to my roots, did the things that made me happy in that industry. Two years later I couldn’t be happier! My life is what I make it. Sure there are bad days and problems and unexpected equipment breakdowns, but there is such a satisfaction knowing they are mine and I can fix them my way. And to stand back and take a look at all the successes, well that is an emotional party for me and my wife. We sometimes lose track of those.
Finding your channel has kept me inspired in what I can do next. My wife and I have always had a desire to travel this great country, so my next step is to “Systemize” my business so I can do that.
You both have been a continued inspiration to me and my wife. Keep up the great work with the channel and now that I’ve found your podcasts, I will be checking in with those too.
Thinking about or starting new in the unknown from the known is always going to be scary. Second guessing yourself or the fear of failure “the what ifs” are scary. That’s where we are at. We see these videos or full timers doing it having fun making memories only wishing we could be doing the same. Everyone’s recipe or ability to do this is going to be different based on available funds or savings or the steady income or freedom to do it. Sure the want is there. But can we do it. Can we keep doing it. There are just so many variables that differ from each family or individual.
We have watched your channel for sometime and I have listened to your other podcasts. I found this podcast a bit long, I did follow along with your bullet points from your email and so I knew what was coming up next. There were good points to consider and so this kept my interest, I would like to hear an interview structure for 40 to 45 minutes on a traveling topic for future topics.
Marc & Trish I like the format 50 to 60 min is not bad, it allows you both to keep it real!! My wife and I dream for the day we can get her a new kidney and not be tied to a kidney center every other day but even then we love to travel.
We did three weeks Saltlake, Yellowstone mt Rushmore and Park City. This year we are going to Little League world series and Hearshy park. would love to have you do a show to let people know just because you have a major medical problem you can start small and do it now
Love, Love, Love it! I love your podcasts! New format, old format – it doesn’t matter. Keep it up! Do not worry about massive editing – just keep doing & adding new.
You guys talking give my husband and I “food for thought”. I listen to this episode on my own then met up with my husband, we started a drive from PA to FL and I turned it on again. We have now listen to it twice together and kept pausing it to have our own personal discussion on each topic.
It is too long. I love your thoughts, but I spaced out on much of it. I do love about your life thoughts in general. Please keep it up – just make it shorter.
Do you want more episodes like this? Absolutely! Do you like an unedited, long format show? Yes, but we will take your wisdom any way you want to provide it. 🙂 What did you get out of this conversation? As always, you gave me a lot to think about. With retirement looming on the horizon for the hubby and me after decades in the same jobs, finding something to be fired up about for the future has felt like a chore. Your advise to start purging what doesn’t serve us any more as well as to exercise to help kick start our thought processes and to spur reflection are immensley helpful. What topics do you want us to chat about next? The thought of 24/7 with the hubby in retirement sometimes freaks me out. With as much togetherness as you have as a family, how do you manage or handle to make sure everyone gets their alone time?
Great topic suggestion. We’ll start thinking about that. Thanks for your feedback!
I personally enjoy your podcasts. Sometimes I need non visual interaction to deep seed an idea or plan. You all keep things light on some fairly heavy subjects.
Keep it up. The timing is just right.
Yes – I enjoy hearing you two talk with each other. Especially when the flavor is not towards “marketing”, just simply fire-side chat. I especially appreciate your ability to not fill in pauses with “like” 5 times in two minutes 🙂 The timing on this for the end of 2020, when many of us are analyzing our end of year (and decade!) progress and setting intentions for the next one! Your timing on this was perfect, please do more!
Yes, please continue!!
I love (and miss) the podcasts. Your early podcasts were what gave me the courage to have the conversation with my HR manager to set us on the path to start our own business where that former employer then became our first client. I also do love the YouTube channel, and look forward to it weekly. To me, the YouTube channel is like enjoying a beautiful meal after it is prepared, but the podcast is like being back in the kitchen watching the chef create the magic. They both speak to me differently. YouTube is the aspirational eye candy, but I still need the words of wisdom and guidance to inspire my own path. We have several years before we can really full-time due to the kids’ schooling, but during that time we will be taking longer trips, figuring out how to continue to grow our business and perfecting working from the road (looking forward to reading The E Myth). Thanks for constantly inspiring us. Keep it up!
Thank you for the unedited raw content, it is awesome! Great information and intersesting to hear about your own process to get to where you are. Keep them coming……
Josh Atencio
Just fabulous. Keep it up. I’m definitely motivated to move forward. Thank you
I’m a retired choir director from Texas. I have never felt like I had worked a day in my life. Being given a gift from God to teach was what made me happy. As long as I taught with that gift it was very rewarding. When I thought it was that I was a great director, I didn’t have any joy. I had to stay focused on God’s gift, not my ego. This needs to be shared with all teachers. If you weren’t called to teach, go be unhappy at Walmart. It’s a calling, not a job to be happy or rich for your reward.
Now that my wife and I are retired, we want to travel in our 5th wheel. The peace that I experience being in the trailer is why it doesn’t bother me to sell the house and see America. We are both looking forward to not keeping up with time of day and enjoying each other. Not all couples are as in love after 36 years of marriage as we are. We just want to travel and be together. We’re looking forward to new adventures at 67.
God bless you and all your followers.
This podcast is absolutely perfectly timed. I am so thankful for the opportunity to listen to this process, take notes, and apply it to my circumstances. I am, like Elizabeth, a teacher. I put in 10 years and left, discouraged from poor administers, to take care of my granddaughter. I have worked very part-time as a clinical supervisor for the last couple of years while I have put 15,000 miles on my motorhome. (So much fun!) I’m now at the place where I am preparing to get back into the classroom in order to use my training to boost up retirement and create a future travel budget. You have helped me order my brain for this change, inspired me to enjoy the change, and given me hope that this next season will be good! So thank you!
Howdy Trish and Marc,
Again y’all never cease to amazed us. Great line of discussion and I know all working adults get to Elizabeth’s question. We love the format!!!! It rekindled my main goal of “if you help enough people get what they want then what you want will happen”. Other subjects ….I recommend just turning on the mic!
Yes! This was great! Keep them coming.
After 25 years in the classroom, I can tell you most teachers hit that plateau and then freeze trying to remember who they were before they became teachers. I left teaching in 2016 to live on a boat! I was blessed to have met my Fiancé who was retired and had the same dream. He supported me through the whole process of leaving my career 5 years before I could actually receive retirement, but my health was at stake. I took the plunge not knowing the outcome and it’s amazing how the Universe works and puts things in your path to guide you on your next step. A lobster goes into hiding and feels really uncomfortable when it’s outgrowing it’s old shell. Take this time to go within and reconnect with your passions as Trish and Marc mentioned. It May get a little uncomfortable, but that reflection is worth it. I also went part time one year to pursue my writing, and later I also accepted a job within the district my last few years that let me train teachers district-wide. When you allow your eyes to focus on a new horizon, you’ll begin seeing new sights for change.
This podcast was terrific!! Please continue with the raw, unrehearsed conversations! My wife and I bought our first RV (30 ft, Class C) last February with the intentions of someday following your treks across the U.S. I’m looking to retire in the near future and can’t wait to see this country from the ground instead of always flying above. Currently reading and participating in a book club with the book, The Year of Less, by Cait Flanders, to help us get down to size. Love watching your weekly shows as well. Can’t wait for the next one!
Thank you for this podcast I’m not one to normally listen to things like podcast but I watch YouTube a lot I appreciate you taking the time to do this and sharing your thoughts on making changes to your life I myself am in the process of trying to side what to do next so hearing from you was really good and yes I listen to the entire podcast.
I loved the podcast…I sure hope there will be more. But please don’t stop making vlogs, I love watching all of your adventures.
Just a touch too long. Say shoot for half hour. Pick a topic, keep to it, a challenge it will be, but best content will be unedited and just ‘go’ with it. Its just like you have the best conversations with a friend when your resolving an issue one may have and it’s spontaneous. You guys rebound off each other well! Cheers!
I just fell upon your podcast . I have been watching your YouTube channel since the beginning since season one. I now have something else to look forward to weekly I enjoyed this podcast. I your family inspires me to do something else with my life. I’ve worked retail for more than 20 years.
I love the unedited conversation. I like that you deep dive into a topic. You have given me a new way of thinking. I would love more of these talks. Thanks for all you do.
I really enjoyed the podcast, I love your videos and for much of the same reason enjoyed the podcast, this unscripted “real life” conversation I just felt I had with you was awesome. We often feel trapped because of where we live in South Africa, but listening and reading and taking in all these experiences and shared knowledge moments from others refuels me to keep on searching for my next step. Your podcast format needs to be exactly like this. Thanks guys and merry Christmas!
Hi Marc & Trish,
I have enjoyed watching your YouTube videos.
This is the first time I have been here and I will be back.
In regards to whether or not to have more podcasts like this, I say an emphatic “yes!”
It felt like a conversation and not a lecture which made it all the more appealing, at least it felt that way to me.
I live in Manitoba, maybe one day you will visit this province.
Thanks so much for sharing your adventures and your tips.
Oh, by the way, I found out about this pod cast through an email. I somehow got on your email list which is great but I don’t know how I did that! LOL!
Yes, we must visit Manitoba to complete Canada. We send emails every Sunday at 7 central. Have you not ben getting those, but got the one about the podcast?
Thank you for this very informative podcast. My husband and I were doing a jigsaw puzzle and I had your podcast on. He listened. He actually listened. We took a break when the podcast was over and had coffee outside and chatted about the podcast and what you had said. It resonated with both of us. 2019 hasn’t been a very good year but we are going to make sure 2020 is going to be wonderful. Find your passion in what you do. Keep the negative stuff away. And as you said if you are negative, you end up being with negative people. Thank you. Thank you.
PS, caravan is arriving in early February. At the moment it will be long weekends and a couple of weeks a year. But that is better than nothing at all, right?
That’s so great to hear. We love being a spark to conversations that create positive change. Thanks for the note!
HI Marc & Trish, I have always loved your podcasts. I get so much out of them. Hints, ideas, and inspiration. Please continue with the conversation based podcasts it was entertaining, and far more natural.
Loved the podcast. My wife and I are in jobs that are fairly routine and mundane and not mobile. We look forward to retirement and being able to RV full time., but we are living in the now by spending as much time with our kids making memories. We are fortunate to be able to take three week vacations in the summer and take our kids on a camping adventure (whether it be local or a trip across the country). I like that you can change how you feel by changing your mindset and how you think.
I really like this style of podcast! I felt that we were having a conversation and not being thrown a bunch of information in a hurry. You made the ideas relatable and easier to remember without feeling like I gotta take notes to review. Don’t worry about the long format. Most podcasts I listen to are at least a hour long.
Topic- Brilliant and timely
Format- Perfect, back and forth
Podcast- raw, unedited, Marvelous! Felt like small group/community
You two rock! Thanks for all the work you’ve done and continue to do and share with all of us!
Bob and Leslie
This. Was. AWESOME!!!!! I didn’t realize it was an insiders thing so I’m super grateful my husband gifted me (us?) an insiders subscription for Christmas! Talk about timing ???? I was actually saying to him the other day, I love the videos but when I’m walking the dog or cooking dinner or other task like that, I’d love to listen to you guys and was a little bummed when I realized the most recent pod cast had been from February (not that I was short on amazing material from then and earlier). So yes, I’d love to hear more pod casts like this because the conversation was easy to listen to, the topic was so relevant to us right now, you gave us actionable pieces to walk away with and with using such intimate details from your own life (Trish was a real estate agent?? What??) I feel like I know you more know and that makes me want to listen and learn more.
What am I (we) walking away with? Oh my! We’re in an rv full time now but like you said, our problems came with! The hubs has a job that can semi-travel, so we’ve moved around Canada but we do stay in one spot much longer than we would like (a month versus a couple weeks) and because of a change in seniority/management he was shuffled to a night shift. With three young kids and living in a 30’ travel trailer, that doesn’t work too well. So after listening today, we’ve shifted the thinking from “quit and we’ll figure it out” to “Let’s take a few minutes, books, and sit down to decide some things. What do we need? How can we grow with what we have?”
I definitely have not gone through all the pod casts, so not sure if this has been done. But I’d love to hear more on the side of full time moms.
I guess long format pod casts negate long format comments ????
Thank you guys for all that you do! ❤️
P. S. I didn’t realize I could comment on pod casts! So now that I know, no more crickets ????
Great! “That was awesome!” Was that an impersonation of Tricia’s dad from the last episode? It’s great to hear how the podcasts impact the community. Thanks for sharing. It definitely makes it easier to commit more time to the podcast! Thanks.
Happy new year! Trish and Marc, thank you for this timely conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I might need to go back and re-listen to it because I started jotting down notes to myself and new experiences and actions that I plan to take this year and might have missed some points! Putting ideas in writing for me will keep them in my brain and remind me every week and weekend day that I can go look at my list and pick a thing if I need a reminder of something new to do. For instance, we do tend to do the same hikes over and over and while they are different each time in some way, there are so many wonderful places that we still have not explored that are right in our backyard.
I think that the long unedited format was perfect.
I am a little concerned for you both however that Keep Your Daydream has become too much of an obligation. I hope you are still finding joy in everything that you do for all of us. I hope that primarily you are doing it for yourselves first. I’m glad you have the KYD cabin to be stationary and recharge for a while. And I hope you have some videos queued up so that you can have a true break… systemized vídeo operations, perhaps.
I’m grateful for the ideas and motivation and how much you share. You are so right about the cleared space clearing your mind!
Keep finding joy in the small things and find beauty every day.
Thank you!
Yes, our vision for KYD is 20 years and beyond, but as you can tell, we keep evolving and changing. We know that not everyone will stay with us and that’s okay. It would feel like an obligation if we stayed the same because that’s what people wanted. We can choose to change and it looks like improvement or we can have change forced upon us and it feel like loss. Thanks for your feedback!
Loved the podcast format ????
Thank you for this episode. Yes, more episodes like this in this long/unedited format (or short/unedited – whatever gets an episode out). I needed to hear this. I needed to hear how there isn’t a perfect solution and all of your suggestions on steps to take. I love the book references. I am eager to hear whatever topic you want to discuss – travel related or not. I hope y’all are having a nice break between seasons and enjoying your family.
And I ditto this Cindy’s comments 🙂
I enjoyed this podcast, I listen to others and frankly, my first KYD episode. My wife and I are quickly catching up on YouTube.
We recently purchased an RV, to my surprise to be honest.
Been thinking for a couple days about what I got out of the podcast. I am amazed how calm prepared and connected you two are. Here in NY we have loads of complaining, I tell my colleagues often to be solution focused. So I get the mindset piece and I am relieved to hear people actually say it. Got to get right between your ears, organized and determined. The constant complaining and poor communication is persistent which makes work life miserable. I try so hard not to let that life penetrate into my home behavior but it has which is sad.
I have noticed we are happiest when there is an upcoming event or destination vacation coming up so the time between isn’t so mundane.
This podcast came to me at the right time.
Fresh outlook coming in.
This winter has been miserably so far and it’s just getting started.
I love all that you guys do…as for someone like me who has been at Rock bottom, All that you guys put together gives me hope for this new journey! Connections like this are not an accident, they are supposed to happen…I’m grateful for your enthusiasm and grace!
Love the informal format…keep ‘em coming! My hubby and I listened together and kept nodding our heads. So much if what you said resonates with us. We’re less than 6 months out from launching our full time RV journey and business…and it’s been a series of planning and events that are allowing us to make the transition. Can’t believe it’s finally almost GO time!!!
I love the format.
It allows me to get to know you and on a much deeper level. I think it is a good balance to the videos.
I appreciate your thoughts on mentors and/or friends not always needing to be in the flesh. As a single man in my 50’s from the midwest, It can be a challenge to find other “like minded” men, so your suggestion opens up options I had not thought of.. I do not think I would have learned this from one of your videos
Thank you.
Loved the pod casts (and prior ones) length and content was good. Chatting with each other or an interview with others would be great. If Elizabeth is looking for a bit of a change, she could jump in her RV, hit the road and be an ON LINE teacher. (So sorry I can’t think of the you tube channel couple that does this) Good luck with future pod casts. You may not always get comments, but people ARE listening. 😀
Loved this podcast. I listened to every one of your previous podcasts that led me to discover my answer for retirement (full time RV). I have had a great career and have 5 more years to retire. I bought a new airstream and live in it full time as the start. Being so excited for the future you tend to forget about the present. Your discussion has made me get my head in the game, Find that passion again in my career and finish strong. Thanks for taking the time. And keep teaching about the problems in full time RV’ng. I have learned a lot from your mistakes???? in the future discussing the process for trip planning, routes and use of google maps would be great
You guys are awesome! You constantly make my husband and I rethink and stretch to reach new goals and TRAVEL with our kids wherever we have time or money to take them 🙂 Keep doing these formats. I have so many ideas from this podcast and loved the book recommendations. Already ordered a couple 🙂 Thank you for the inspiration again.
Loved this format!
Enjoyed the Podcast topic today. A little off topic as we are both retired but the ideas about making change are still applicable to our situation. One tip I would say, is to keep these types of topics to about 30 minutes if at all possible. The 51 minutes got a little long and we got distracted from the podcast. Love your vlogs.
I loved everything about this podcast. Off the cuff talking is more natural and relatable. My husband and I are sitting in our RV in Florida on this rainy morning and this topic is so timely. Retire early or keep in the rat race a few more years? Great food for thought. Thanks for sharing!
I really enjoyed this Podcast. I love these longer conversational podcasts. My husband and I have taken a lot of what you’ve said and done to heart and are working towards our daydream of full time rv living. Hopefully we can be there in 5 years. Until then though we have started the decluttering mentally and physically, we take our travel trailer on weekend adventures as often as possible. Thanks for all of your inspiration!
Yes I love these podcast episodes that aren’t super structured. It feels authentic, shares more of your thought process and emphasize that there are no step by step catch all plan for this.
I have already listened to the episode twice, to get the nuggets I need right now. The most important one is to keep taking action today so I can create big changes over time. It helps me to clarify what my dream actually looks like and how I can get there.
Thanks for your inspiring podcast and YouTube episodes. I follow them both.
One of the best pod casts I’ve heard from your channel although I have not listened to them all. This particular one hit home. So thank you. In fact I’ve saved it so I can relisten to it. Love your YouTube channel. And the comment about YouTube vs podcast I like both however I feel podcast is a little more intimate for me. I wish you would bring them back. I feel there could be a lot of community in the podcast world. Thanks for a great episode.
Oh and I forgot 51 minutes??? I had no idea it was that long. I guess it would depend on the topic and who is interested in it.
Yes, yes, yes, please keep these podcasts coming. Your insight on life, career & success are great reminders of the directions we all start with but often times loose focus on. Especially after we’ve been in jobs, situations, circumstances for a length of time and get into a rut.
Thanks for the nudge and reminder of the direction we should be heading and not continuing to circle the same beaten down path.
Loved the new podcast format. I am used to longer talk show type formats in the 60 minute range and it makes a great time frame for commuting or vacation trips in the car. BTW, we love your YouTube show and go back and watch older episodes to get our fix when one a week isn’t enough! We also have our new KYD hats to show off! Can’t wait for the new year and the premiere of the new season.
Greg, Raleigh NC
We have been followers for a while. I like all your formats: newsletters, podcasts, and videos. We love wearing our KYD tshirts camping, makes us feel part of a community.
Enjoyed the informal approach, it was like you guys came over for dinner. (we listened during dinner). Our conversation continued on way past the 50ish minutes. Can’t wait to share it with some friends.
Thank you for all you do: educate, motivate, inspire.
Hey guys!! LOVE, love, love this format!!! This is the first episode of your podcast I’ve listened to, and it’s been super informative. Thank you.
OS love your YT channel and you have inspired us so much.
Love the podcast! Not to long at all and love the format!
We are at the place you were before KYD. We are thinking of a 3 1/2 year plan and trying to set a date.
Every Sunday we can’t wait for your new show!!
Confession – this is the first podcast I’ve listened to. I love your videos, hubs and I are weekender RV-ers for a few years but researching work camping as a possible lifestyle change. Not retirement age yet, so need to figure out the income on the road thing. This podcast topic appealed to me! Always appreciate that you give a well rounded view – not just the rosy side of things but the realistic. I liked this podcast format as it was conversational, and you used each other’s comments as a springboard. I hope Elizabeth (and others) find this helpful. I did!
Yes, yes! Love this format. Casual, relatable and interesting. You offered a thought provoking way to think about a problem that probably many people have encountered.
More podcasts please. You have so much to offer people for improvement.
Loved this Podcast! And officially leaving my first comment on a Podcast ever! I’ll definitely be more mindful of leaving comments in the future since I regularly listen to many different Podcast while I’m driving and never think to comment once I have arrived at my destination. Great advice just in time when I needed it, as have made a change about a year ago to my career and guess what?! I’m still unhappy in my career! I’ll be taking advantage of some of your thoughts as I plan my next move.
Hope you and your family had a Merry Christmas. Here’s to a safe and Happy New Year! Cheers!
This was a great conversation and one I have had with myself for awhile–but you made it more clear to me! Thank you! Yes, I liked this unedited format but that is because you guys are articulate, no ums and uhs, and really have great insights.
My husband and I have been watching your You Tube channel for over a year now and truly enjoy it so thought we would give the podcast a try. We both loved the long flowing conversation style and look forward to more! We have been working toward a full time RV lifetime for about 1 1/2 years. Plan on hitting the road in July 2020 when we both will retire. I truly related to when you were teased about not drinking the same beer after you told people you were only going to do things you haven’t done before. Someone told me “So your going to live in a van down by the river?”! We have both separated ourselves from the negative people and I no longer tell anyone what we are doing. If they don’t understand it must not be for them! Keep up the good work and hopefully we will run into you on the road!
We are taking a scary leap and we haven’t figured it all out yet, but we are keeping ourselves inspired with Marc and Trish, Nathan and Marissa and others. We have lived in our house for 6 years and in that time have racked up debt on education and keeping up with the Jones’. We recently listed our house for sale, we have significantly reduced the amount of useless things we have around the house, and with the equity in our house we can pay off all but our educational debt and purchase a tow vehicle and trailer outright. We’re doing some number crunching and research to figure out what our changes will mean for both our income and expenses, but we are moving forward and you guys are definitely part of what has helped to get us there.
LOVED THIS!! Thanks so much for posting another! You could’ve talked for 3hrs and I would have kept listening (and will likely listen and re-listen to this again multiple times). While I love the adventures and experiences you share, THIS stuff is what I love the most . . . the conversations, the thought process, the inspiration towards pursuing your dreams and the fullest life possible.
Thank you for everything you do!
This was the first episode of your podcast that I have list and I loved the format! I really enjoyed the conversational tone of it and there were quite a few nuggets of wisdom in there for me to ponder.
Hello! Happy to see the podcast back. The longer unedited format is fine with me. I’d rather have an informal podcast than no podcast. The length is fine, I listen to a lot of long ones. I just put on headphones and tune in while I’m doing things around the house. Thanks!
We have enjoyed Tricias podcasts from the beginning, then the videos from the first flat tire through now. The freefloowing conversation format of the past 2 pods is wonderful. Feels like listening to a friend talk. Hope to cross paths on the road some day. Thankyou
This is my first podcast. And I really like this format. I enjoy the YouTube videos that are more relaxed also. They seem more genuine. I will be doing full time living and part time travel in about two years when my daughter graduates collage and my husband retires. I will be a newbie. I’ve learned a lot so far from you both. Thank you for they style you have. It’s like your talking with me and not at me. I hope you start the podcast again I see there was a break. But I don’t want you to stop having fun….. you have given me a new thing to dream about. Thank you to your whole family.
Yes! Yes! My husband and I love the informal format of the conversation between you two. This particular question resonates with me as I am a teacher in the same spot in my life. You both had such great advice about change vs. making things better. I have some new things to ponder as we head into a new year. Please continue this format. We love listening to you both!
Loved the podcast. More please. I love positive, motivating words. I’m going through some change now also. I’m retiring after 40 years of firefighting. I’m looking forward to traveling in our fifth wheel all over the US and Canada. I picked up some important items from your podcast such as clearing the clutter. It’s first on my list.
We just returned from New Zealand and rented from Wilderness Motorhome, just as you two did. We only spent 10 days but it was awesome. Your videos were very helpful.
Tim & Sandy
Loved the podcast…loved the informal style (it just felt like a relaxing time with good friends). Greg and I love to listen to audible books while working on projects and this reminded me of that (I was able to work on things while listening). Please keep them coming!
Morning Guys,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We religiously follow KYD YouTube channel. We have anxiety attacks when 5:00 pm arrives but the KYD YouTube video hasn’t been posted…LOL.
Sorry for the Cut n Paste but that’s how I roll…
Do you want more episodes like this? Yes.
Do you like an unedited, long format show? Absolutely.
What did you get out of this conversation? I luv hearing thoughts, ideas and outlooks that I haven’t thought of. Stimulating.
What topics do you want us to chat about next? I have enjoyed listening to how you became YouTubers and that this didn’t happen overnight. I thinks it’s interesting hearing the thoughts, steps and how long it actually took to enact KYD.
We will be retiring in 18 months and truly enjoy traveling with you (on YouTube) to destinations that are on our Bucket List”. For me personally, I’m trying to keep my mind busy and stay enthusiastic about my job and current life until retirement. We are soooo excited about retirement that sometimes I need to drowned out the retirement thoughts. As the old saying goes “The Years Fly By As The Days Drag On”.
Safe Travels,
Brad Dean
What a great episode! No need to bother with all the fluff, this was awesome as is. I really appreciate your approach to live and how you break things down into manageable nuggets. Last year my husband and I lived into our passion and started a real estate investing business! We have 1 duplex so far and are looking for our next property as we speak. It was terrifying, stressful, and wildly exciting all at the same time!
As far as topics for future episodes, I would love to hear more about the KYD cabin and its management. Are you using a property manager? How has the maintenance and upkeep been handled while you are on the road? Do you think you will continue down this path or is the motivation more-so to have a home base for everyone to return to, and the side income is just a bonus?
Been a fan for a long time (I have both Summer to Remember t-shirts in my repertoire!) and as long as you are creating, I’ll be watching/listening 🙂
Thank you for the podcast. I loved the format. I wanted to get one the treadmill (dreadmill) and wasn’t feeling up to watching something. Then I remembered that I saw the podcast on my email. My husband and I have both been at our jobs for about 18 years and are looking at are next step in life. We have 2 daughters (one in 8th grade and the other in 5th grade) we are really looking at what we want them to know about love and family before they are out in the big world one their own. We are close now but what if we lived minimally and know we items aren’t important. I still have 2 family members in the hospital for the past 2 months on and off and I would give all the items in the world to have them better. I want to change the way my girls look at stuff and time with others. Your podcast and vlogs and emails remind me of that. Thank you for everything you put together. The longer podcast again was great.
I just had a chance to listen because My husband and I were de cluttering my home office, getting ready for his retirement, so he can work with me! Ha your de clutter talk made me feel like I am headed in the right direction!
Hi –
Loved your podcasts previously and really enjoy the “uncut” version of this one, especially if doing it in this format enables more episodes 🙂 The length was fine for me – if it was too long, I could pause and come back to it. Your feedback is right on and I loved the idea of not simply walking away from your present situation, but rather taking a look at where you are and what can be done now to improve your situation. Radical change doesn’t always automatically erase your problems because “where you go, there you are”.
I especially loved the idea of re-interviewing some of the folks you interviewed before to see how or what they are up to now. Their evolutions could be very informative – just like seeing your evolution on the YouTube videos.
Also, maybe there are others out there that can inform folks considering changes in their lives. I think of Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris – the “best of” from a variety of industries, is quite informative, practical and inspirational. Your podcasts are similar.
Thanks for sharing your journey!
Marc and Trish—
I am new to the listening to podcast thing, but I always find your videos to be inspiring! I really enjoyed this format rather than the polished ones because it sounds like I’m just sitting in a room having a conversation with you. You guys are really good at what you do! I, too, am a teacher, in my 20th year. I’d tell Elizabeth that I have changed grades and schools over the past 8 years and that has kept me energized, given me something “new” to challenge me…got me out of the rut. I am looking forward to retirement and have started to dream about what I want to do next. My husband is a teacher, too, but he started 5 years after I did as a career changer, so our retirements will be a few years apart. So, I’m starting to explore doing something different to give me a renewed excitement—but I feel like it still will be a public service role—maybe the medical field…I don’t know. I do know that working with people/helping them is one of my passions. Traveling more when the kids are grown is definitely on the dream radar…keep inspiring…so more podcasts like this! It was great!
Loved this episode! Yes please do more podcast like this. This is the stuff that is hard to get from the YouTube videos(love those too) but it is easier for me to listen to podcasts than to watch the videos.
Thanks for doing this, good questions and responses. Liked the informal discussion format, good for a podcast that you can listen to in the background.
I’m not much for long winded postings but I like this format. It pushes me to think about the subject more than a more segmented format. I prefer the conversanal style to highly edited podcasts. Just sit, talk and see what comes out of it!
I loved this podcast. I did listen to it twice! Heidi and I are 63 & 62. We plan on full timing no later than 2022. We will be retired. We have a fifth wheel and use it on weekends and week vacations. We did rent an Class C in Alaska for 18 days several years ago. We were not home sick, we could have just kept on going. Today I took action and traded my F350 with 309,000 miles on a 2019 Dodge with 20,000 miles. We have been downsizing some but have a ways to go. The podcast really encouraged me. I walk 4 miles a day and usually listen to podcasts. More of this style would be good for me.
I believe we have watched every you tube video you have up. When you were at Oshkosh this summer it was awesome to see you in the C47’s. I had been following the progress of the planes from the beginning .
Do you want more episodes like this?
Yes!!! There is nothing better than a great conversation. Sometimes being able to listen in on that conversation is just as good as being part of it. So much great information packed into a relatively short amount of time. Keep that up.
Do you like an unedited, long format show?
Yes again. It lends itself to a more casual conversation which is very organic and natural. It also gives the listener a chance to mentally engage. When you take away the bullet points, its just better. loved it
What did you get out of this conversation?
For me personally Ive struggled for a long time with this. What I got is that my “daydream” has really been someone else’s. Its been yours, or Less Junk More Journey, or Jared Gillis. Ive been struggling with how to come up with the BIG picture all at once. Sometimes, as much as I love Youtube and Instagram. Ill step back and realize it has paralyzed me. I end up not acting on possibilities because I become paralyzed with, “ill never be able to achieve that syndrome”.
What topics do you want us to chat about next?
Id love to hear about the editing/brainstorming /what’s next process. I know you guys love adding value, but what does the focus on building the brand look like? How much time to you give to the what’s next phase? What are the stressors in running a successful YouTube channel?
Love the channel
Cheers, Mark
Hi Marc & Tricia.
First podcast I’ve listened to all the way to the end! I love it because it is REAL. Not sure how I stumbled across KYD but I love it and it is exactly what I needed as I’m turning 40 this year! and have the personal feelings of needing an overhaul. I’ve been watching the espisodes and am now on season 3 (awesome).
Thanks for sharing everything you have.
I very much enjoyed this podcast. I have listened to it 3 times. I really like the long, unedited format. I think you do it beautifully, and the topic was quite interesting. The podcast is full of compelling insights – so much so that I’m going to listen to it again, and take notes. Thanks so much!!! I really appreciate your experience, sharing, and insights!!!
Hey guys! Loved the podcast. One hour of is a great amount of time. I would say don’t feel like it has to be anything. If it’s a 20 minute conversation great, if it’s 90 minutes great! Just let it flow. You have a great community that loves to hear your perspective on things. This was inspiring and timely. My hubby Jason and I had a long breakfast conversation about setting a goal to go full time and decided that after two years of watching and learning from you it was time to become patrons! Thanks for all you do!
Yes keep them coming! You are more than full time campers! You are a inspiration!
Thank you for doing this! I have listed multiple times. From all of your experience, you answered many questions I had and many that I did not know I had! It was an amazing podcast and I really enjoyed the unscripted format, keep them coming.
Loved the most recent podcast! Yes, please consider doing more! completely understand the lack of feedback on them but they are great. I listen to/from work – they are the motivation I need to get these goals on solid ground and help me ask the necessary questions.
Ok – i love that last podcast and the unstructured format. It’s like sitting at coffee with two friends. Listened quite awhile ago and took away a lot of great ideas but one that stuck out was clear your physical space to make room for new ideas and thinking.
I loved the podcast. I watch the Youtube videos every week and the podcast seems like you are talking to the listeners more on a one on one level than an audience like the Youtube videos. Keep them coming.
I loved it!! I need to take notes and not be driving. There were some great points and I loved how you transitioned well with each other and had a conversation! I listened to the very end… it did take me a couple of days to get there because the kids kept interrupting me, but I stuck with it! Thank you for all you do and for sharing your wisdom and joy with us all!
Love the podcast, so glad your are doing them again.
My husband & I really enjoy all of your videos. We purchased a travel trailer & then quickly purchased just about everything from your Amazon page.
We have a 3 year old son & 6 month old daughter & just want to show them as much as we possibly can. I am curious as to when you all started to get the itch to travel with your kids, as well as how did you talk to your kids about a life on the road. What did you consider with them & were they excited or resistant. Did they still enjoy it all the years that followed? In particular your youngest seeing as he has been at it the longest. Did they feel like they missed out on anything always being away from family & friends. My husband was in a military family & has made comments in the past about not having a “home base” I would love to consider your lifestyle for my family but would like to know the pros & cons families & especially children experience.
Yes love this. What you and many others are doing – changing your life, creating a world you thrive in – this is what so many are looking for the courage to create for themselves. it really helps to hear from real people with real lives that include the same mental obstacles. And to be honest, the videos are absolutely wonderful and a joy to watch but this raw conversation is added bonus content that really adds depth.
Keep the podcasts coming
No editing required
My wife and I are full timing in our Oliver travel trailer after selling everything. We have another 7 months on the road before the arrival of our first grandchild then babysitting duties will curtail our travels and require a new house but no regrets and we can’t wait for the next phase of our life.
Enjoyed this format of Podcast. I have only listened to a handful and they seem scripted. I think the feelings you’ve communicated here with your in the moment now reactions to questions and the answers each of you gave seemed to unleash that creative spirit for me. I am listening to a course now to take control of my life and find that if I listen now, and come back later to follow up with the provided study guide, I don’t feel like I have the same answers as I did as I was listening the first time.
I took a physical and mental inventory of the CLUTTER you speak of, and yes, I’m a hoarder. Its time i let go of the clutter as well. both physically and mentally. Decluttering the garage will help me declutter my mind and body.
Another thing I realized during the podcast was that this Clutter has gotten worse since I moved to Vegas from my little hometown living. Being from around small towns near Houston, TX. I don’t remember having the space to keep to much back then, nor the desire to have more than I needed. Most of what I have in my garage are unfinished projects anyway. And I also remember that I used to finish projects that I start. So this will all lead to me getting to where I want to be, I just NEEED to Declutter.
Thanks for the help. Look forward to future Podcasts and Vids. Thank you SO MUCH for all you do.
Loved listening to this podcast while driving to work and yes was there past the 52. Minute mark. Very good and thought provoking keep doing more
This podcast was just what I needed to hear at this stage of my life. Now, to answer whether you should do more free flow podcasts, I can’t say. You guys were great on this particular podcast and present really well on your videos. I really think this format can work well if the subject matter is targeted to the listener’s interests or needs at the time in which they are open to hearing it. And there is no way to predict that situation. However, with podcasts you are creating a library seekers can use to gain insights.
Perhaps a poll of your listeners to find common issues they struggle with is a good way to come up with new free flowing podcasts. That is as long as you are knowledgeable or have experience in the subject or can find someone to join you who is.
Keep up the great work. We hope to hit the road during the 2020/21 winter. Hopefully our first year will have few flat tires than your first year.
I really enjoyed the podcast! Great format, and I really enjoyed the discussion. I was so pleasantly surprised driving home after a 12 hour shift and having your podcast pop up The long discussion was nice, and I think because of it, I was able to relate to some of it, and glean new insight. We are over halfway through our two year planning stage. Launch date fall of 2020. It was interesting to hear your process, and discover that it was also a two year planning stage for you. We started watching you about 3 years ago, and realized that we didn’t need a big grand plan to go full time,
Looking forward to season 8! You’ll be spending time in some of our favorite places. Love to hear podcasts about finding and deciding where to go.
i just came across this podcast after watching one of your YouTube videos. I enjoyed the conversation format and how you worked through the different possibilities and sharing your own experiences and realizations. You really hit on a few things that i have been rolling around in my head and now I have some rethinking to do. I will check back for more.
I like the podcasts because i can listen to them at work without much hassle from management. Videos “slow the network down to much” and tend to be frowned upon.
Absolutely loved this…I was amazed at how many notes I took while listening…..posted them on our Full-time RV Life vision board. We like podcasts, so now I need to keep my eyes open for more. It hit home when you said things like making room for your new life, make space for joy, de-clutter your mind, and it’s OK to keep your dream to yourself….that takes the pressure off us constantly trying to explain to our family what we are working towards.
We love your videos as well, and watch them every week. In our life, there are convenient times for videos and convenient times for podcasts, and it doesn’t bother us if you don’t have time to ‘edit’, just let it roll! Love your positive attitudes, and appreciate the real life issues…helps us know that things will happen, and it’s OK…we can do this.
I’m a little late to the comment party, but I did like the format of this episode. I like it when it’s not so scripted, and an edited podcast is actually distracting to me – I’d rather just hear a conversation. My only suggestion would be to maybe write down some bullet points you want to hit (nothing detailed – just “talk about what I find joy in.”) That might help with the flow so you don’t have to keep thinking about what you wanted to say.
The whole drilling down to what I actually enjoy hit a note with me. That’s not something that’s easy for me to do, and something I have to put actual work into.
I’d love to hear about how Marc transitioned his “day job” into being on the road and when (if) he left that to concentrate on KYD full-time. I remember in the early episodes that he would talk about work meetings, but he hasn’t mentioned that in a while. I’m not sure if that’s because he no longer has the day job or if that morphed into something different. I’m trying to figure out where my income will come from on the road, so hearing about what others have gone through in that department would help.
I found you guys through YouTube. I believe it was the “Newbie RVers” episode. I was very shortly “hooked” on watching. I binged on episodes for 2 weeks to get current. I got a little hint of the wisdom you guys have accumulated not only with RVing but with life in general through the seasons. After hearing this podcast (while hiking for the first time in too long, thanks to y’all) I am positive you guys have too much support and knowledge to not have these types of podcasts. This was my first podcast and now I guess I’ll have to binge listen to the rest 🙂 Thank you so much for being yourselves and letting us in your life. Keep your day jobs of give us Keep Your Daydream! I’m currently on track to get our second RV and am changing roles to a travel nurse to get out on the road and live my dream of exploring this beautiful world we live in. Again, thank you, and I’ll see ya on the road!
This was the first Keep Your Daydream Podcast I had listened to and I was blown away. I have since listened to a few more of you Podcasts but I especially wanted to comment on this one. I have watched YouTube channels on people who fulltime RV for some time (including your channel) but I have only recently begun exploring Podcasts. I tried a handful of different casts but wasn’t getting the information and inspiration I had been looking for. Then I listened to this episode and it was exactly the sort of discussion I had been trying to find. So, thank you for providing that!
I wanted to try to answer the questions you posted.
First, yes, please do more episodes like this. Like this both in content and in format. As for the unedited format, it worked. In fact, from your discussion, in recent times you have had barriers to your motivation to regularly do these Podcasts both from you YouTube channel taking a lot of time and not getting energy back from the Podcasts the way you do from YouTube. I believe the unedited format would help to reduce those barriers to a degree. The content was great, and as a listener, I can live without the bells and whistles.
What did I get out of the conversation? I got inspiration. More than that, I also have 4 pages of notes in my journal. You gave me a framework for how to turn my daydreams into an actionable project with specific tasks or tools to help me think about this.
As for next topics, I don’t have a specific answer here. But I do hope there are next topics. That is, the content of your Podcasts is very different from that of your YouTube channel. I find your YouTube channel to be more on the entertainment end of the spectrum, but your Podcasts are more on the inspirational end. Your YouTube channel makes me dream; your Podcasts make me think. And I know that you don’t get the energy/feedback back on the Podcasts like your YouTube channel. But the Podcasts do have an impact, even if you don’t hear about it.
Anyway, thanks for creating this!
I really enjoyed the conversation. I think that both of you are such good speakers that even though it may seem unorganized to you, it comes across very well thought out.
One topic I would like to hear you guys talk about would be the pros and cons of removing the kids from the societal boxes. How do the kids feel about that decision now? I know this could be a very personal conversation but for folks like myself with children, we would love the insight.
Chiming in a month after this podcast went live however I still wanted to take the time to comment and let y’all know that I really loved it. I loved the conversation feel versus the just getting through the bulletpoints. It felt natural. I tend to listen to podcasts over watchiing videos ????. But you are right about how it doesn’t foster community in the same way videos do.
Thank you for making me stop and think about how you can change your environment but you’ll just take your problems with you if you don’t work on fixing those now. It struck a chord with me. I’ve been wanting to get out of Alaska for a long time now and instead of making the best of it until DH’s retirement (we’re on the downhill part of it and it’s worth the time) I’ve complained and just generally been unhappy. Not helpful whatsoever and who’s to say a move or full time travel would change me and allow me to suddenly be content. So thank you!
Hi Marc and Trish,
I love this episode! I could have listened this topic for hours. This resonated with me so much.
I would keep doing them just like this. Did not seem rambling at all.
Thank you for what you do. Huge inspiration. My wife and I just sent our youngest off to college and trying to figure this all out.
By the way this is my first ever comment on any podcast.
Keep it up!
I really enjoyed your “raw/off the cuff” way of sharing your experience, thoughts and ideas ???? Please consider doing more podcasts.
Just listened to your last podcast and really enjoyed the conversational format. I am one of the “crickets “ who have listened to most of your previous podcasts the last few years and been inspired by them but never commented. Sorry ! I appreciated you saying that change does not have to be a 180 but may just be refinding your joy and refining what you already are doing.. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for bringing back some joy into my life! As I was doing dishes, laundry, and more laundry I was searching for a podcast to listen to. I was surprised to see a new podcast from you guys! I listened to all 53 minutes of it. My laundry never was done more efficiently as I found a new way to enjoy doing it. Please keep them coming because it’s hard doing dishes and laundry when watching YouTube.
This is my first podcast listening to you. My husband follows you and he has bought your YouTube course. I enjoyed your conversation. Like you, I prefer a more organized format, but understand that takes time to do. I think answering your audience’s questions is a good idea… how about just making it shorter? I loss track of your points but if it was shorter, I might not. 20 mins?
Yes!! I love the format of this podcast and would love to hear more. I believe purpose and fulfillment are topics that many people search for on a deeper level including myself. I have watched your YouTube channel nearly from the beginning and you guys have changed my life. Best of luck and can’t wait to see/hear more.
Yes, please continue to do the podcast (in this format)! Personally, I really liked this podcast and I really like the unedited format. Some things that I’d like to hear more about are your thoughts in general about all of the different style of campers you have used, favorite places you have visited, interesting things you have seen and done, etc…
I guess what I’m saying is, I really like the idea of a podcast that doesn’t necessarily have a format, guests, or even an intro..
Hi Marc and Trish,
I’ll start by saying we’ve been watching you two for several years, but this is the first podcast I’ve listened to, so I don’t know what you past podcast are like. This podcast completely met a need for me so I thought the format and content was wonderful! I’m making my pros and cons list concerning our big life change right now. And I will probably listen again with my husband as well as take a look at your helpful notes. Thank you for sharing your wisdom on the topic of change!
I am an infrequent podcast follower, but for those I do follow, I listen to EVERY one. So I’m surprised this is my first one from you guys as I’m a rabid You Tube follower and Insider! My answers:
1. Yes want more – I think you can go more in depth on the self improvement angle here, and I think that is what people want out of pod casts. From You Tube, people are looking for a distraction, scrolling randomly usually, and a lot of it is eye candy. Listeners have to be intentional for Podcasts, so the bar is a little higher on intensity, or depth of topic.
2. Impromptu format – I loved it because you two are great at it, it works for you (others probably not so much). Maybe you just create an outline for podcast titles/topics so you have an overall direction, and so I can decide how and when to binge listen….but not outline the actual podcast recording itself to keep it fresh.
2. Length of time – at 45 minutes I got kind of fidgety but checked the time and thought I could hang in for 7 minutes more 🙂 . I would have been let down at 10 minutes however and wanted more. Ted Talks have a prescription as to length (I think 18 minutes) and coaches speakers on the benefits of that length. Hope that helps. I’ll listen to every word you put out, don’t worry.
3. 4…. I forgot exactly what Question 3 and 4 were, but think one was along the lines of what other topics/questions? I think focusing on the hows/whys/wherefore of chasing your daydream is a good focal point, you can go in many directions.
5. My next question is: OK a huge life change was thrust upon me (job loss and move across country), so maybe I didn’t plan this, but I’m happy about it overall. I feel like I’m a little aimless. I am realizing I need to set some goals and work toward them to take advantage of this new perspective. What do I do, get a vision board, find a coach to talk to? Set a schedule? I know you both have insights on that…
I listened to this episode yesterday and posted a question, “what are some tips/tricks to help me define my vision/dream if I am not exactly sure what it is today?” And then I listened to Podcast #108! It’s all in there! If you liked this episode, listen to 108 next.
Thanks Marc and Trish!
No crickets here….well done for an unedited version…kudos. Great message…thought provoking.
All the best
Love this podcast . . . truly it makes me smile but more important it got me thinking. I found it after you mentioned it on your Feb. 23 Q and A video.
I full-timed in a vintage Airstream from 2007-2009 going to rock and gem shows selling meteorites. I LOVED it, but the economic slowdown and other economic factors led me back to a traditional job. Two years ago, and only two traditional jobs later (two total) I was so unhappy with my job that “should” have been so perfect for me. I came pretty close to quitting, selling my house, and hitting the road again. But my elderly dog had me hit pause and I subsequently realized it wasn’t the right time, and I wasn’t in the right space for that move. But it led me to things like the KYD podcast (and many others) and has had me on this new kind of journey. In the meantime my job got better–it’s not perfect but night and day better vs. two years ago. Who knows what’s next but I am always considering new possibilities. Conversations like this are soooo important. Love you guys.
This was actually the first podcast I listened from y’all. I’ve been following the YouTube channel for a few years.
Loved the format, some great info. “Sorry I’m late, I didn’t want to be here.” So true!!
Loved the format. Can’t wait for more.
Hi Marc and Tricia,
Thank you so much for this podcast! I’ve had the same message lately. Start decluttering! So, it was very interesting to me that most of your message centered around that very subject or conversation. Just the confirmation I needed.
Thank you both so much,
P.s. We purchased our RV 10 months ago and we are loving every minute of our time in it. Can’t wait for Spring!
This morning I listened to the December and February’s pod casts. Both hide a cord with me and has given me a starting direction. I would love more episodes like this. I do shift work, as a nurse, so every other Monday I’m normally off. Pod casts and Youtube are part of my routine on those Mondays.
I liked the format. It was like getting to have a conversation with you guys, which was great. I’m one of those people that isn’t sure where I want to end up or what I want to end up doing. Between the two episodes I feel like I at least have a starting place (which oddly enough I had already started). Pairing everything down, getting rid of the clutter, and exercising definitely will be mentally and physically healthy and necessary moves no matter who things work out.
Something I’d be interested in hearing out would be the KYD cabin, and how all that works. Like the management, and renting it out, but also at what point did it make sense financially.
I enjoyed this topic! Appreciated your emphasis on making space for reflection and exercise, pulling weeds, and continual learning. Change for change sake is not always the answer, Words if wisdom.
You guys were the first couple I found on YouTube when I started to research the rv lifestyle. You are such an inspiration and you lit a fire under my booty for that lifestyle. I get butterfly’s in my stomach every time I think about it. I too have the same issue. I’m so far down the road with my career as an electrician it wouldn’t be prudent to dump all of that. I have grown accustomed to the income and the benefits I receive and to start over would just not be possible. My career is location based so I wouldn’t be able to make it mobile. Every time I day dream about it, I feel as though I’m just wasting my life doing something I truly do not enjoy and stuck in a limited experience life wise. I know my wife and I can do it because we’re both relatively young and are resourceful but just don’t know where to start. We did just recently start to sell everything which I guess is a good start. Thank you guys for everything you do!!!
Loved the format of the podcast! I listen to podcasts driving to work & back, I’m blessed with a short commute, usually 20 mins or less, so for longer podcasts I just listen over a few days. Works great for me! I loved your message about decluttering not only your physical space, which we have been working on, but your time commitments as well. Thank you for the reminder to get your blood flowing when you feel stuck! Went for a beautiful hike this afternoon! I would gladly listen to more podcasts in this format.
Wow this is my first ever pod cast. I love listening and it’s very inspiring. I thought I knew y’all well but had no clue Trish was a realtor. I am a realtor and just started a team a few years ago so I could have more time to travel. This was so set for me. We started our new YouTube channel a few years ago. I still do real estate full time but travel in the middle.
Yes, please, to more of these conversational podcasts! This one felt like sitting around the campfire or having coffee, discussing topics that stimulate creative thinking and dreaming. I wound up jotting over two pages of notes and ideas. Great for listening before a hike and letting your brain process during. Thank you both for the inspiration and thoughts you share and share forward with us all. Bonus: The comment section is also a great way to find a group of positive people.! ????????
Amazing discussion….please ramble on. Loved it and learned a lot. More please.
We really enjoyed this podcast, and we would really enjoy more episodes with this same format. We really hope you do more episodes like this. Even if it’s say a once month podcast where you have a conversation together inspired by someone’s letter to you. We really appreciate and value what you have to share!
Right now in our life, we are juggling a lot in order to create the lives we want to live and have our work and jobs be in alignment with our dreams. It is inspiring to hear the two of you talk about how you juggled your busy lives as you began building the lifestyle that would become Keep Your Daydream that is truly very inspiring today. Living life with purpose and joy is the life we are choosing to create for ourselves each day. It is meaningful, supportive, and inspiring to hear you talk about these concepts. We would really enjoy hearing more from you on the whole broad topic of living intentionally, pursuing dreams, growing yourself…. cheers to more!
So, to answer your question, “should we do more podcasts?” Absolutely! I’ve listened to your “Change” podcast, what, maybe 7 or 8 times?! I love that each time I’ve listened, I pick up another tidbit. My husband and our Dobie Grifen, are gearing up to “sell it all” and go FT January 2021. I’m a dog groomer and love to tune in while I’m working. And your YouTube?…Love. I’ve watched your episode on Alabama Hills/Big Sur, multiple times. Can’t. Wait. To. Start!
Grifen says “Hi” to Charlie 🙂
Keep on keeping on!
“The Stray Peacocks!”
Kevin, Jackie + Grifen
Oh, forgot to add, we’ll be traveling in our F450 King Ranch and a 2018 Grand Design Momentum 376TH. I found your YT Channel when we were researching Grand Designs. Thank You soooo much for all you do!
Trish & Marc,
I recently found your podcast through Rootless Living and I’ve been binging the past week and the last two episodes really hit home for me. Your energy is magic! The power in your words throughout both of the 2019 episodes gave me mad butterflies. I feel like you can hear something over and over again, but still not really “hear” it. Until you’re ready to hear it, and then it is deafening. I am SO excited for the next chapter in my life!
I am still in the beginning stages of planning, purchasing an Airstream + Truck, and plan to be full time by mid-September.
I would love to hear you talk more about how you pushed yourself to declutter and down-size. I don’t have many sentimental items. The things I do have, will fit in a small box that I can keep at a family members house. The issue I am having is being “okay” with getting rid of all of these items in my apartment that I worked SO hard for the past 6+ years. Growing up, my family did not have much money and we didn’t have a lot of stuff. I am doing well for myself today and while I don’t have fancy name-brand things, I have worked so hard the past few years to have everything that I have. Selling everything seems so overwhelming, because I feel like I am throwing so much “cash” away. I feel a little bit guilty. When you were decluttering, how did you move past feelings of attachment to your possessions? I know this transition is the right move for me, I am not having any doubts at all, it’s something I have thought about for over a year.
Thanks so much for everything you do for this community!
I love the uncut format. It’s interesting to hear your thought process behind some of your positions and decisions and not just the straight forward outline / points. The comments on positivity resonated and I love your position on “we don’t take advantage of opportunities – we go make our own opportunities.” This requires intentionality and ensures alignment with your own end goals, preventing good opportunities from leading you off course.
Love the YouTube channel and the mind space you guys champion. It lead to our families own year long RV adventure, and keeps us tuning in weekly to see what you’re up to.
Nathan Aker – Guthrie, OK
Perfect format. Keep it simple and free flowing. It’s like a chat around coffee or drinks after work. ????????
You guys already put a lot of work on the YT channel…
I did not have time to read all the comments but I am sure many agree you guys are doing great. I have been following your adventures on YT since the first day and have always appreciated your honesty and generosity with the viewers. Good people living a good, healthy, loving life. Refreshing and inspiring.
Cheers ????
Late to the party but LOVED this podcast!! There have been many a day that I have considered changing my current job or career. I loved the angle that change does not always solve your problems. You just carry your problems to a new job that will also have problems you don’t even know about yet! You have to change your mindset and behavior. “Don’t leave. Double down. Look through a different lens. Redefine what brings you joy, and make space for that!!” So many good quotes from this podcast. Was like a therapy session for me. I took some good notes and plan to write out a path to “find joy in the mundane” , “excitement in the learning something new” and “Reinvesting myself so I can give back to my career…be a Rockstar!!”
Still listening months later (and have listened to the whole podcast multiple times)! So many good nuggets in this hour. I personally loved the format. If you invited us to lunch, as you mentioned in the podcast, our conversation would be just that – raw & unedited. Please, please do more of these. You two make a great talk show combo just as you are. You listed a bunch of great topics to consider in your KYD Pocast 2.0 that I’d love to hear. Another current topic right now? How has COVID-19 changed your next season’s plans, how you’ve adjusted, etc. So much to talk about on this on and I know you’ll put a positive spin on it which is so needed!
We really enjoyed this podcast. Our full time RV chapter is scheduled to begin May 12,2020. We have been preparing for this for 2 years. We pray that it is not delayed because of the virus but it likely will be. ????. We will make the most of the delay by listening to podcast like this and watching YouTube videos. Podcasts are great for walking and driving. Thank you for you open and honest ideas. ❤️
Dear Marc & Trish,
I loved listening to your conversations! Yes, more please:)
My husband and I have watched all of your YouTube videos, and love visiting with you each Sunday. Trish, your blog on de-cluttering/downsizing was so good! Great ideas!!!
Thank you for all that you share,
Would love to see you all when you make it to Solvang!
Love this podcast. In this Corona season I needed to hear some friends voices giving good advice. I always find that in your content. Thanks friends!
I love the casual conversation!! …like I’m in your living room with you.
Health, fitness, cooking…it always encourages me to be a better me.
Love the podcast! I listened to the two latest episodes today and need more. I got some much from post episodes. I am School teacher and have had many thoughts just like Elizabeth. You were speaking to my raft. Thank you!
I enjoyed listening to this podcast. It touched on so many things I went through. I had my epiphany of how I wanted my life to go. I spent 15 years raising my kids as a single dad, calculating when I would retire and they would be out of college. I called it putting spokes in the wheel. I bought my bike, my boat, my car, all based on fitting the RV concept. I spent 2 years donating, selling, giving away, and trashing everything I owned. in the end, I had to evict the kids who were 21 and 26, They had been told the plan and the date and it was time for them to move on. I bought the RV in April, moved into it in September, sold the house in December, retired February 1 and drove away February 5th, snow was in the forcast so I headed south. That was 4 years and 34,000 miles ago and another 30,000 on the Jeep sightseeing. All my coworkers, family and friends thought I was just talking but now they are living vicariously through me and loving my blog and YouTube channel. I’m diong it for fun so there is never the dread on Wednesday of “oh no, what’s this weeks video going to be about!”. Living the life and loving it. You guys are great and do such a fantastic job of thinking things through and expressing the results. I am envious!
Hello again!
Love the podcast always.
We’re struggling to get our groove moving out of here and this was what I needed. Your insight after all these years is calming.
September is right around the corner. Our adventures will be different for us but we’re all on the same page as a family.
I took myself on a quieter route last year getting us ready for this next chapter of our lives and it proved to be a better step than I imagined. Keep the podcasts coming. You both have a gift and I appreciate your sharing it with us.
Catching up on the next one too. Thank you again from RI!
Mary Lou
Hi Y’All,
Loved the podcast but you had me at hello…lol…whether youtube or here you guys are always insightful and awesome in your way of doing and saying….keep up the great work…and when I reached 52 minutes I was like a wow moment…it was over…lol…hope you guys are well and soon traveling.
Loved this! So many times people are saying what “sounds right/sounds good” as opposed to the REAL talk of this episode. The phrasing and articulation of concepts is unique and provides light bulb moments. Will definitely have to listen to this one again to catch the things I missed while I was going, “hmmm, I never thought of it that way.” Definitely like the format. Thanks for taking the time to encourage, explain, and provide real life examples for us “stuck in a rut”.
Just found your podcasts after watching you on youtube for over a year. I love how your minds work! Having just recently retired I have had to reboot my life and so many of the things you had to say really resonated with me and would for many in my position. I had a 45 year career in nursing which I loved, and I was terrified of leaving that “dream”. So I had to drill down and figure out what “sparked me” and how I could move forward. Wish I had had this a year ago, took me a lot of angst to come up with that.
I have to go back and listen to all the older podcasts now, but I do like the current free range approach. Marc, I really like your recaps at the end. As well as books if there are other podcasts that can be used to spark ideas, stimulate the brain (life long learning is my “jam”) that would be good. The podcast universe is overwhelming!
We do have a travel trailer but found out last year we are NOT cut out for long trips. We like being other places, but not the highways and the mountain passes it takes to get there! We will keep meandering around the northeast and fly/rent a couple of times a year elsewhere.
Thanks for all that you give to your fellow travelers!
We’ve already done the full time travel thing (and currently taking a break to pay off debt, etc.) but I have been ready for a change in my career. Strangely, this weird time of social isolation (and listening to podcasts around ideas/conversations!!!) has been helpful. Lots of good ideas here! My favorite nugget was letting go of what’s not working. We’ve done a lot of that in last 5 years since we first started thinking about traveling (actual stuff and ideas of how we’re “supposed” to live life) but I hadn’t applied it to my work and I am ready to evaluate that.
You two have great ideas and conversations and even though I almost didn’t listen to this episode (because I thought it would be about making change to full-time RVing and I didn’t necessarily need that), super glad I did. I think you should record and share when you have good conversations you’re ready to share. Not just when the schedule dictates (though I 100% know from marketing perspective that consistency is key but you do that with YouTube!) Based on your most recent podcast (which I also listened to this morning) it sounds like you have lots of ideas (and the time right now, ha) so will definitely be tuning in!
Also, let me know if you have a need for writers/content contributors. Would LOVE to be a tiny part of KYD if that’s something you’re looking for.
Loved this podcast! I was Elizabeth! After a 22 year career in teaching I knew that my time to leave the classroom had come, but wasn’t sure what that looked like. So instead of just jumping ship, I decided to just invest time Into a “hobby” that would feed my soul, photography. I started by photographing my students through the school year and then my kiddos would decorate a cd case and gift those photos to their mom for Mother’s Day. It truly helped me! I was helping others, being creative, and solving a problem (that dreaded Mother’s Day craft,) and the mom’s loved it. Pretty soon I had these families hiring me to photograph their families. Soon we (my husband was now joining me) were asked to shoot a wedding…then another, and another….then newborns. After three years of this we made the decision that I would retire (my husband an police officer was already retired.). Now five years later we have built a very nice photography business. But now we have a new vision! My husband is an amazing landscape photographer. So we are gradually transitioning our business to accommodate his “passion.” We have bought a travel trailer and when this Covid SIL is done we hope to start gradually traveling more and transition from portrait photographers to landscape photographers. We have both had a dream of traveling our country for a long time and this will be a vehicle to get us there. But I just wanted to tell Elizabeth if she is out there….. Marc and Trish are right……I had to make some internal changes to truly find joy…leaving teaching and becoming a photographer did not instantly make me happy. It was A LOT of work and A LOT of headaches! Just as much as teaching, but just different. My problems DID follow me. I just decided I was going to be joyful. And now moving on to a new dream….there is no doubt that this will be hard and a lot of work but I know we WILL find joy.
Really enjoyed the podcast and the format – always inspiring! Will keep looking out for more.
Yes more of this! Great podcast.
I’m late to the whole podcast scene and yours was my first binge-listening. The dog is getting more regular hikes due to me being wrapped in your conversations. I really pay attention to the books and reviews that you mention. We are an early retired couple that spends 6 months traveling (wife’s passion) and 6 months on a homestead (husband’s passion). Somehow, it works for us. Flipping houses and being dedicated Dave Ramsey’s followers got us where we are. Thanks for all the information you give us.
That’s hilarious. I get it! Glad to know I have a kindred spirit in loving variety (doing things I haven’t done before). My husband teases me all the time about this. For example, I don’t even like to eat left overs the next day. I have to wait a few days! My favorite saying is “Variety is the spice of life”. I mean, isn’t there some definition out there about doing the same things over and over again under the category of insanity!! I like new and different experiences every day !
We’re listening. Love the conversions. Love the topics, life, dreams, family, and adventure. I think you can break down this episode’s topic into sections even. Gather a view talking point on the subject and go for it!
Guys, loved the episode! I listened while driving from Destruction Bay to Whitehorse. I’m a big fan of this longform version of the podcast as it is easily consumable while driving or working out. Keep up the great work!
My husband and I have been watching and enjoying your u tube episodes. I am trying to get exercise during this pandemic. Listening to your podcast is so enjoyable and makes my walks seem faster. So the time length is great for me so that i walk longer—-haha
Hey guys,
I absolutely love the podcasts. Two of my favorites are Episodes 18 (Saying YES to what lights you up!) and 40 (Taking the Leap Toward your Dreams).
But I love, love, love the new format. Episodes 100 (the classic), 110 (What to consider before jumping into change), and ‘Welcome to KYD Podcast 2.0’ are my absolute favorites. When you two get together and start bouncing ideas off of each other you can feel the electricity in the room. Your energy is contagious.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve listened to this episode; it’s a life changer. I can truly relate to Elizabeth; I’m in a similar situation. Though not considering a career change, I was not happy at work. I won’t go into detail, but I was discouraged and disgruntled and felt the only way out was to walk away from a job I had had for 16 years. I didn’t want to do it; I love the company and people I work with. This podcast, and several books, have helped me to look at things differently. ‘The Happiness Advantage’ and ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ gave me great insight into myself and things I could to to enact change. It’s worked and, thanks in part to you, I’m finding new opportunities at work. They were there before, I just couldn’t see them. As you say in the podcast ‘problems are mobile.’ Had I decided to change jobs I might only have taken them with me.
Do I have a suggestion? Yes, keep this format. Because it’s mostly raw and unedited, it allows you to create the occasional podcast with topics like this with little effort (you guy make it sound easy). You help countless people and, if a few of them get steered to the YouTube channel and become patrons them ‘more the better.’
Thanks for the podcast.
Just found you, loved this podcast! It hit exactly how I’m feeling. Just listening to the two of you converse was perfect. Keep these up!
I loved this podcast. I am in this place right now, trying to figure out what my next step is. I watch your videos all the time with my husband and son. We found you because we wanted to get an RV for the weekends and you have inspired us to possibly go out more often/longer. I am working on trying to figure out a career I can do from the road. Thanks for all your great insight and motivation! Keep up the great work.
This was such a profound podcast – thank you for the thought provoking discussion. I have started with season 1, and 2 on your you tube channel and plan on working my way through all of your videos! I so enjoy your family adventures, and also the way you two handle the challenges of being on the road. I found your channel doing research for full-time RV’ing. I am just starting to work out my plan. Have owned RV’s and camped for over 25 years and my dream was to buy a 5th wheel and travel. In June I bought the truck, and am researching RV’s right now. I am very interested in the how and why’s you brought up in this podcast! Please do more like these – it helps reassure me that this will not be an overnight process. Thank you again for sharing your lives with us!
Loved it and I enjoyed the format. I’m generally not on to comment as I listen/watch while I’m working on other things but I’ve really been loving all of your content.
I thought this podcast was very helpful and interesting and even though I’m quite a bit older, I still got something from it. Although it was a “conversation” you stayed on topic and were able to zoom in at the end on the gist of what you were trying to say. I personally would like more conversations.
Hi Guys
I’m new to your YouTube channel and love it and your format.
We are driving 8 hours today so the podcast format works out a lot better for me today. We are dreaming and now working to clear out our home full of stuff. Thank you so much for sharing.
This my second podcast today as we drive from a wedding in Utah to home in CO. I love the podcast and the relatively free form discussion. Thank you. Lots of good nuggets.
Hey Marc & Trish, Yes to questions 1 and 2!. I doubled down this January in my career of 30 years (before I found KYD). It worked for me! I almost walked away for the wrong reasons! As the two of you said…when I stopped and thought about what gave me passion in my role and what were the stressers that I could eliminate or control my reaction to;I took action to create opportunities for passion and my joy again. Thank you for the podcasts!. I have an hour commute each day and now listening to KYD. Hey Trish, I love your prior guests!!!! Thank you again for this format. I’m listening and feeling great afterwards!
Really enjoyed this episode, so yes, more like it would be great! I did enjoy the format, especially because I tend to listen in 15-20 minute chunks, so it allows me to think through some things before changing topics completely.
I’m not considering going full time, but I would like to take a couple of 2-3 week trips and build up to a 1-2 month trip… or two, while the kiddos are still all at home! This episode really helped remind me that it’ll take time (did I mention we don’t have a rig yet?!😂), but that I can definitely start working towards that goal now… even if it might be a year or two before making it happen!
With all that said, I’m at the beginning of this journey, and I really appreciate you guys being willing to share what all went in to you becoming an “overnight” success!😁 Thanks again!
Excellent episode. Definitely keep them coming. This format is fine!
Y’all… this podcast was what I needed today. COVID has taken a toll on my passion for my career in healthcare. I will be digging in and finding my joy and passion again! Hiking, yoga, positive convos with colleagues. THANK YOU ❤️
I really enjoyed your podcasts! Please continue! 🙂 It is not easy to comment since I don’t really speak English, but I watch all your videos and listen to your podcasts. You make me dream and I take steps toward my goal to stay happy… We just bought our RV in September but we will get it in May. So, for now, I dream of all the places will see and the fun we will have!
Thank you for all the sparkle you generate it me!
You made me cry!! In a good way of course. This episode was like you were speaking to me. I’m 58 have two businesses and I need a change !!! I have been so inspired by your you tube channel, and the other day I heard Trish mention the podcast !!! Yeah, one of my businesses is cleaning houses, so I really enjoy listening to music or podcast while I work. I am also a hairstylist/barber. So I really cannot do either one “on the road” traveling. But…as you were saying in this podcast start “pulling the weeds!” I can do that and feel like I am working towards my dream of traveling. I also took your advice and bought a class c RV!! Yeah!!! , like you said just get out there and get started . As I am not quite ready to go full time as of yet I can start de -cluttering and preparing to make the change.
OK, so for my next question do you ever see people advertising any type of services in the campgrounds?? i could be the traveling barber lol and make some gas money!! Just a thought
Do you want more episodes like this? YES!
Do you like an unedited, long format show? YES
What did you get out of this conversation?
-It was like you were recapping my whole life… I am now asking myself:
1: What can I do to give myself time back/declutter paperwork and obligations
2: What brought me happiness and how can I repeat that and in what new ways?
3: Need to sharpen my skills in my profession so I can more securly continue to work remote.
4: Need to determine concessions AND increase our residual income so we can afford sabbaticals.
5: Do better at surrounding myself with people who resonate with me.
I gave our family an assignment. Over the next few days they will think about what brought them happiness so far in life-be it a vacation/experience/accomplishment. The intention will be to determine and work on how to bring them back into the (near) future.
What topics do you want us to chat about next? You don’t know what you don’t know… surprise us!
THANK YOU for this podcast… It was the FIRST time I listened to one. (behind the times I know, lol)
Yes, do more 1hr podcasts.
This episode was extremely beneficial to me! I really hope you guys continue with the podcasts! I enjoy tuning in every week to your videos; y’all have inspired my husband and I in many more ways than one! that being said, I really enjoyed listening to y’all raw, without script! The conversation was natural and super empowering! Thanks!!
Love the podcasts and the unedited form! You never know when something you may normally censor in an edit will strike a cord. Recently found your youtube channel and cancelled all our other TV subscriptions and are making way throguh all the seasons of KYD! So great and just some positivity to wind down at the end of the day. REALLY enjoy the podcast. You mention the lack of community with the format but love taking the positivity from your YouTube channel and enjoying it away from the screen. Keep them coming!
Please keep the dialogue coming! Love the format and the content. Your comfortable banter and frankness will keep us coming back for more. This was such a great episode that I had to share with a friend. Thanks for all you do and share with us.
Marc & Tricia,
Brenda (my wife is from Georgetown, Tx so love seeing your time there) and I have started watching you guys over the last month (binging form the beginning) and I also love to listen to your podcasts while walking. Great Topics and information! Was in Air Force (26 yrs) and now run a simulation software company and we are at a point (you guys helped) to start taking steps to travel longer in our Airstream and living/working on the road some!! Thanks for all the motivation! You have touched on so many things to bring more joy into our life! We live in Niceville, Fl.
I’m really late to the podcast party. Loved the format and the topic and I’d love to see more of these since I often am looking for life lessons I don’t have to watch. I recently retired am learning to adjust to the huge changes that brings in life, not related to RVing. This podcast was really helpful in that regard. You guys are great for life lessons in general and that’s part of what I enjoy most about your KYD efforts. Thank you!
I stumbled across your YouTube channel because the family is looking into a travel trailer. I am not a podcast guy but this was amazing. The things you spoke about in this podcast wasn’t earth shattering but it did open my eyes. The wife and I have been working the same job for a long time. Both of us kind of go through the motions to get to the weekend but our weekends are filled with the same (Clean the house, mow the lawn, have dinner with the same friends, etc). I am truly inspired to take your ideas and make change. Thanks for taking the time to do this podcast.
I loved this! Just what I needed to hear. My husband and I would love to RV full time and listening has given me a lot to think about. Leaving my job is not magically going to make my life less stressful. There are things we can do now like you said- declutter, make room for new things like hiking, reinvest in my job to make it more rewarding. Eventually I think we will get there but I can work on my mind now.. Thanks for all you do!!
Yes enjoy it tremendously. It is interesting to hear the thought processes and mental changes that one has to undergo before you can make changes.
I love these types of podcasts. Please do more.
My first podcast. Love the free flowing format. Looking for more now.
nearly two years later from original podcast, good stuff. I liked the think-out-loud format.
Just now discovering the podcast and videos. My family and I have really enjoyed the videos, watching them together from the beginning. But I have listened to this episode on my own. Loved it!! Really spoke to my heart. Hopefully you all will continue!! Thank you for all the ideas. I needed them!!
This is my 4th time listening to this episode. I keep gleaning nuggets of knowledge. Thank you so much!
I had a much longer post, but was marked as spam. I did enjoy the unscripted content and enjoyed the different perspective from the YouTube channel. I look forward to more great content
Just started listening to your podcast 2.0 version and I love it. I listen to podcasts daily while driving and I’m super exited to have even MORE KYD content! We love the show and watch it every Sunday. Thank you so much for being you and sharing that with the world.
Yes, double yes this was helpful! I am green, just got my first camper and seeking something (tbd). I know something doesn’t feel right and I am taking sabbatical from work and roaming in the camper w my 3 pups trying to figure it out. This podcast (esp unedited) is helping me through this super grey time. You and your transparent experiences are helping me work through how to take the next step and the next. Thank you oh so much! Don’t stop please!!
Love these podcasts. This one gave me a lot to think about. You guys help so many think outside the box and look at all angles. Thank you for all you do!!! This version is my favorite, it’s like a Conversation with friends
Love these podcasts. This one gave me a lot to think about. You guys help so many think outside the box and look at all angles. Thank you for all you do!!! This version is my favorite, it’s like a Conversation with friends
Just dropping in to say I love this conversation format and will listen and comment on every one you put out! So many great nuggets and action items that I will take on as I am in Elizabeth’s exact situation. I’m so curious what she ended up doing since this is a few years old now…