Big Dreams. Small Steps.
Start Small and Start Now vs. Start Big and Start Later
We believe it’s important to dream big with small actionable steps.
Bigger isn’t always better. In fact, it may make you feel further from your dreams than ever before. When you start small and right away, the impact will be tangible and exciting. You will find yourself more motivated, inspired and ready to close the gap between where you are now to where you want to be.
When it comes to making a change, here are three things to focus on:
- Feed your ideas and not your fears.
- Create an actionable plan from where you are now.
- Celebrate your progress.
Feed Your Ideas and Not Your Fears
Where is your focus when you come up with an idea? A new idea may excite you, but you may quickly feel defeated by the fear of failure.
We like to call that yo-yo thinking. You may have heard the term before in dieting. The person follows a fad diet, they look great, but then they gain everything back and then some. This can quickly happen when we are creating new ideas and dreams. We capture the hope but soon the clouds come rolling in and we lose our inspiration.
Take a deep breath and relax because you are not the only one that’s been on this rollercoaster. In fact, it is our brain’s responsibility to do this! This is how the brain has been protecting humans for centuries. To you it’s just a new idea, but to your brain it’s something that could possibly hurt you. Its primary purpose is to help you eliminate anything that could be a threat.
But there’s good news! Once we know the nature of the beast we can tame it! We know that fear will always pop-up. However, if we feed the idea and not the fear, the brain works on progress instead of protection.
How do we do that?
First, it’s important to find fertile ground for your seedling. Read books about your idea. Listen to TED talks. Watch YouTube videos. Write a blog about it to work out the gray areas. Do everything you can to support your idea.
If you’re ready to share your idea, be selective with the people you talk to. Only share your idea with people who have accomplished what you’re looking to do. It’s best to share new ideas to a larger group with people after you’ve developed it more and have a better idea of how it will be executed.
Take These Small Steps:
Step 1: Listen to podcast Episode 100 of KYD
In this KYD Episode, we share how we turned “someday” into now. This is the first (and only) time Marc has been invited on the podcast, and we share our journey and how we overcame obstacles and fears.
Step 2: Join our email list
Every month, you’ll receive an email with a new theme and book recommendations to help you stay focused on making your dreams happen.
GET THE KYD DROP HERE ???? *We don’t spam and will always keep your email private.
Step 3: Book Recommendation
Let’s hit pause on wondering if your have a good or bad idea, or if it will ultimately work or not. Let the idea simmer in your “mental RAM” and focus on a few books that may help you foster your idea and turn it into a plan.
The Power of starting something Stupid, Richie Norton
Get this book for free with our Audible affiliate
About the book: In The Power of Starting Something Stupid, Richie Norton redefines stupid as we know it, demonstrating that life-changing ideas are often tragically mislabeled stupid. What if the key to success, creativity, and fulfillment in your life lies in the potential of those stupid ideas? This deeply inspiring book will teach you:
- How to crush fear, make dreams happen, and live without regret.
- How to overcome obstacles such as lack of time, lack of education, or lack of money.
- The 5 actions of the New Smart to achieve authentic success.
No more excuses. Learn how to start something stupid—the smartest thing you can do. Drawing on years of research, including hundreds of face-to-face interviews and some of the world’s greatest success stories past and present, Richie shows you how stupid is the New Smart—the common denominator for success, creativity, and innovation in business and life.
Create an Actionable Plan
Can dreams actually create stress & anxiety? Yes. There is nothing worse than knowing exactly what you want but wondering if it will ever happen.
Your subconscious brain is powerful! It knows when you are on the path to success or failure. Anxiety can creep into your subconscious when you have a dream but are not taking steps towards accomplishing it. Over time, the low level of anxiety starts to turn into doubt and eventually the only way to relieve the stress is to stop dreaming.
When we take the first step toward our dreams, even the smallest of steps, the subconscious says, “Wait…this is serious. We’re taking action!” New ideas are created, our confidence builds and things start to happen faster.
Six months before movers showed up at our house to put our furniture in long-term storage, we took the first step in cleaning our home by decluttering the pantry in our laundry room. We needed to decide what to keep, what to give away and what to store. This simple chore was perhaps the most liberating thing we’ve ever done. We were actually doing something that was directly related to our goal. It prompted conversations like, “So I guess this is really happening?” Next came the bookshelves, hallway closet, kitchen cabinets, fine china and the list goes on.
By taking small actionable steps toward your goal, you are telling your brain that you’re serious about your dreams and setting yourself up for success.
No matter how daunting your dream seems now or how many steps are involved, the only step that matters is the next one. How you’re going to figure out the fifth step is still four steps away. Let it go, you’re not there yet. After you finish the step you’re on, the answer might appear.
Take These Small Steps:
Step 1: Listen to podcast Episode 26: Tricia’s Take – Embrace the Unknown.
In this episode (published on September 10th, 2015), Tricia shares our goal of sailing around the world within the next three years. Well… times up and it didn’t happen! In order to accomplish our “big dream” we needed to take steps. We decided that buying an RV and taking a six-month trip would make things happen faster. We had no idea that we would love RVing so much and travel the States, Canada and Mexico. Our small steps turned into new goals, new dreams and new accomplishments.
Not subscribed to the podcast? Click the links below and Subscribe (for free) to either iTunes or Stitcher and listen from your phone while driving or working out.
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Step 2: Book Recommendation
Darren Hardy, The Compound Effect
Get this book for free with our Audible affiliate
From the book: No gimmicks. No Hyperbole. No Magic Bullet. The Compound Effect is based on the principle that decisions shape your destiny. Little, everyday decisions will either take you to the life you desire or to disaster by default. Darren Hardy, publisher of Success Magazine, presents The Compound Effect, a distillation of the fundamental principles that have guided the most phenomenal achievements in business, relationships, and beyond. This easy-to-use, step-by-step operating system allows you to multiply your success, chart your progress, and achieve any desire. If you’re serious about living an extraordinary life, use the power of The Compound Effect to create the success you want.
Celebrate Your Progress
Think about where you are today. Even though it doesn’t feel like it, there’s a good chance you’re living yesterday’s dream. It’s easy to forget what we have already achieved. You’re accomplishing new things all the time, but by the time you achieve one thing, you’re already thinking about the next goal and fail to acknowledge what you’ve already accomplished.
Gone are the days of school certificates and prizes praising us for our work. We do the work, make the goal bigger and postpone our happiness until the next goal is reached. This cycle continues until we forget why we started.
Putting success “in the now” puts you in what Shawn Achor calls the “Happiness Advantage”. This increases productivity, creativity, and positive outlook. Creating, achieving, and celebrating milestones is its own award. Achor says that that recognizing small goals is a “cognitive advantage when it comes to achieving your dreams.”
Embrace Community
You’ve likely heard the quote from Jim Rohn, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”. Who are you spending the most time with? Are they pushing you to become the best version of yourself or do you sense you’re lowering your standard to fit in?
Community can help you accomplish your dreams and set you on the right path. There are online communities to help you stay inspired and find others who have already accomplished similar goals as you. When it comes to online communities, don’t be a voyeur. Make a decision to be an active participant. Communities that share the same values are the best place to make your dreams known. Let the community know your plan and ask for feedback. The people that participate the most always get the most value.
Take These Small Steps:
Step 1: Become a KYD Insider!
We want to know your dreams and help celebrate the small steps that make them a reality. Click here to learn how it works.
Surround yourself with like-minded people who are working toward making the most out their lives. Get inspired by people taking the leap and inspire others by sharing your accomplishments.
With close to 500 members in the KYD Insider community, we’re learning from each other every day. From travel tips to buying a new rig, it’s nice to have a trusted source to learn from. We want to get to know you, follow your adventure and help you turn “someday” into today.
Step 2: Book recommendation
The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
Get this book for free with our Audible affiliate
About the book: Our most commonly held formula for success is broken. Conventional wisdom holds that if we work hard we will be more successful, and if we are more successful, then we’ll be happy. If we can just find that great job, win that next promotion, lose those five pounds, happiness will follow. But recent discoveries in the field of positive psychology have shown that this formula is actually backward: Happiness fuels success, not the other way around. When we are positive, our brains become more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work. This isn’t just an empty mantra. This discovery has been repeatedly borne out by rigorous research in psychology and neuroscience, management studies, and the bottom lines of organizations around the globe.
The Simplest of Steps!
We want to hear from you. What do you think of these ideas? What did you learn? Comment below so we can start a dialogue on these ideas and make it even better. This is our first step to help the KYD Community “get started”, but the best is yet to come with your feedback and help. Share your thoughts, obstacles and fears so we can create new content that inspires you.
The best is yet to come for you too!
~Marc & Trish
Love the new website look forward to seeing it evolve x
Thanks Lynn!
Hi Marc and Trish,
My husband and I sold our house in September 2017, we bought a Reflection 5th Wheel (which we love) and a Dodge Ram 2500 and went full time. It has been pretty crazy, considering we have never owned a RV before, lets just say the learning curve was huge but we are making our way over it. We were greatly inspired by your adventures and we were hoping you might have some thoughts on ways to generate income. I am an artist, had a studio/shop in Grapevine, Texas which we just closed at the end of December. I love teaching art class (Word to Live, Souls True Self, Visual Art Journaling and so many more), any thoughts as to how I might transition that into an RV job?
This is a question we want to help answer! We’ll be creating more content on this exact topic soon. Stay tuned!
We sold our home in Oct. also bought a 5th wheel and jumped into full time living tiny. Since moving into a RV, I’ve started to paint. I appreciate classes called “Sip and Paint” but mostly follow online classes. Is this something that you could do and would it generate enough money to make it worth your time?
I travel . paint, and sell my work at art festivals. check out Sunshine Magazine, Art fair Insiders. Zapplication, also Plein air magazine for art compititions.
Marc & Trish
March 1 is our kick off Date, We have been planning and practicing since August. We have a Forest River Cardinal, named the Birdhouse. We have had to make some repairs (Bent parts). Monica will retire and we are free. Our goal is the USA by road. We truly enjoy your YouTube episode ie inspiration.
Hi Guys!
The hubby and I are currently in the planning phase to be full timers! I’m really nervous bc I have a chronic illness (gastroparesis) but we want to enjoy whatever time we have left together! I know community is a big part of RVing, but there will be days when socialization for me will be impossible. How do we handle that? A note on the door? Any suggestions would be great!
We really love watching your YouTube videos! Thanks for being a great inspiration!
We recently found you guys and are excited to start our adventure. The girls really love watching your you tube videos, thank you so much for making them.
Great site…. what is the site you are posting the how to edit video’s on?
Hey there Norman –
We have a course on how to start a YouTube Channel. It touches on editing but much more. Check out the page and see if its what you are looking for.
We are glad you are on the KYD journey with us! Tricia
We love your shows and will be purchasing a Rv soon to start the adventure. We live in Muskegon Michigan and wondered if you guys would be doing a MIchigan tour. With so many parks and the UP it would be a great opportunity to show Pure Michigan. Our journey will begin in May.
Hey there Shane!
Great to hear about your RV trip coming up! We stayed for a month in Muskegon. It was beyond beautiful and I was so impressed with how fast veggies could grow in that climate…totally random thought but it still stays with me 🙂
Anyway, we defiantly need to come back and experience another Michigan summer. There is really nothing quite like it!
All the best, Tricia
Marc and Trish, Love your vlogs! My and I are preparing to sell our house and have already bought a Catalina 283 travel trailer We pick it up tomorrow Look forward to seeing you on the road
What mailing service do you guys use?
Hello, I have decided to go fulltime rving, as soon as my divorce is finally. How do I go about finding someone to mentor or help me thru this process. All so was it hard to have your pets traveling with u.
We bought a travel trailer and are just getting started. I’m a little overwhelmed about the making reservations part. How do I start, where do I find information. the difference between state parks, rv parks, etc.
Hi Marc and Tricia!
Can you talk about what you do for wifi? We have been inspired by this idea of travelling full time, but require high speed internet for work (20mbps/3mbps). How have you guys made this work?
Any tips would be helpful!! Thanks!
Kristin & Brad
Verizon, Wilson Weboost, Wifi Ranger. However, we’ve found that Verizon covers N. America and it’s been pretty easy. We have the unlimited data plan. It’s not really unlimited, but we get 22g per device per month before being “network managed”.
Why is the rd park in Mexico only opened from Nov to april
It’s overgrown with bushes and hot. The parks mostly accommodates people from BC.
Dually pick up truck mud flaps with anti sail bars and stainless bottom trim .
Cut to size , width and height , 1 inch off the ground .
That is what your boat friends did in the 1980’s , didn’t they .
Hi Mark,
Love you guys.I have lived for 18 months in a 23′ travel trailer for work….Right now I am saving money to buy maybe a 2013 Silverado 4 wheel drive, Diesel,,flex fuel double cab.Maybe a 2500 HD.I know you have researched alot.Would this be a good choice for me to buy? I will probably move up to a 5th wheel.Would this be a good choice for me? What would be the best truck for me to buy?
I will buy it cash…Then save up for a yr. then go up to Bonners Ferry No. Idaho and buy property to live on.Then I want to hook up my 5th where and start traveling to see the national parks and explore…Thank you for your you guys.
Hi Mark & Trish.
I found your videos a few months ago and they are great, very inspirational. My hubby and I bought our 1st RV in March 2018, we have been looking for a long time, and found a 2015 Forrest River Sun Seeker that we could not pass up. We are recently retired and want to hit the road. I want to go full time, but hubby wants to go part time, we have taken a few short trips but are having a few obstacles getting started. You two have a lot of great Ideas and suggestions to help keep the dream alive! any suggestions for getting the ball rolling for someone who is set in there ways? lol
Love ya LueAnn
I was in tears yesterday as I watched some of your videos, read this page of your website, signed up for the newsletter, became a Patron, BOUGHT my domain name, created my email address, and setting up a YouTube channel! OMG!! YOU are exactly what I was looking for in making my dream a reality. I look forward to getting to know you, working with you, and eventually, sharing the road with you!
Back to cleaning out my “stuff”!
Don’t want to be noisy but where are your daughter and your son? Are they away at school? I haven’t watched much because of medical problems.
Have a great day
Hi Marc and Trish!
I have been watching your Vlog a lot and appreciate the inspiration y’all provide for so many! I live very close to Dripping Springs, Texas and loved the episode where you visited your family there. I also had a Golden Retriever who passed away 3 years ago, so I definitely related to your family when yours passed away. …….And Trish, I am a Realtor! I feel like I know you guys already! lol
I purchased a 27 foot Airstream 2 weeks ago, and have been pulling it with a 2015 Tahoe that did not have the max trailering package. Marc, I used your GVWR and Payload Calculator, and the numbers came out ok, but I am concerned about that holding up for very long. Since I will be a single, “mature” woman on the road by myself, I want a dependable set up. I am about to buy a new tow vehicle, and would like to go back with a Tahoe equipped with a max trailering package. The numbers look better on the Calculator, but I just can’t seem to get a peace about it. What do you think?
We love camping use to be a camp ground host in Florida State parks but wanted more freedom. Love traveling also. Enjoy your trips
Hi Marc,
On your last you tube, 9/22/2018 trip to Valdez,AK you mentioned your refrigerator would warm up to 45 degrees or higher. We have the Reflection 303RLS and love it. Well I had the same problem with the refrigerator warming up while on the road. I found the problem after contacting Grand Design and confirming that there is not a safety valve that shuts the gas off to the slide when closed. I thought maybe there was one for the Stove/Oven and maybe they also by mistake the refrigerator was connected to it.
They confirmed that no safety valve exists to shut gas off when slide is closed. They told me to check the gas line clearly visible under the slide located to the rear side. Gas line had a kink in it when slide closed. They replaced the gas line under warranty and works fine on the road. Easy fix! To test your unit, open the slide fully and start the refrigerator on “gas only” and also light one of the burners on the stove. Now close the slide and if gas line kinks, the burner on stove will go off and refrigerator will blink problem with gas. My gas line kinked and shut gas off about 6 inches before completely closing. Good luck… may save yourself 300.00. I have never heard of putting more fans on unit to keep more air circulating around refrigerator.
Help! We just bought a 5th wheel; need RV Insurance and based on reviews for recommended National General very concerned; have not seen any good reviews, even as recent as August/September 2018. We are in Texas; can you recommend good RV Insurance carrier.
Mark ,
We have a couple dash cams that are a real pain to operate etc .
Would you be have any recommendations that would help us in our upcoming purchase of one that interfaces well with MAC and is user friendly!
I cherish your input and philosophy of living. I am 69 and am living a life that isn’t as fulfilling as I want my final life phase to be. I have a son with Down’s Syndrome and I have fibromyalgia. Those are my hurdles but they can be overcome. I live in a nice town (although uninspiring) in a four bedroom house on a huge lot. Maintaining this lifestyle leaves me little energy to enjoy life. I can be happy anywhere. You have inspired me to make a change that will feed that happiness in the best way. I watched the sunrise this morning through buildings. Can’t wait to enjoy sunrise in nature. My children are excited about joining me in a mobile life with their families. A sincere thank you for sharing the possibilities.
Looking for opinions for a single older female in purchasing vehicle and travel trailer to live in full time. 24 or 26ft trailer.. something not too difficult to maneuver and operate.. ty.. was looking at Toyota Tacoma and jayco models..all opinions welcome
I should like to say, WOW. you 2 are so in tune to each other it’s awesome. You throw a lot of good info out to everyone viewing. While I was viewing some of your older YouTube videos with ginger and with your new RV. I have noticed you have taken a new look at making it yours (modified) compared to before. Nice,
A little about us. I am a veteran and Retired, I also grew up camping in RVs monthly from being an infant till I was 17 when I enlisted in the army. We have owned 3 RVs sence I left the military. We have been living in our RV for about 9 years now. While we are waiting for my wife to retire ( a couple more years), I am taking advantage of this time and making our 2014 36.6ft 5th wheel w/4 slide outs modified for our comfort. As you know, The manufacturer just throws these RVs together. It is up to the owner to make it work for you. I have already completed alot interior and exterior modifications. Being in CALIFORNIA we have had to deal with triple digit summers. So while upgrading our RV (HOME), we geared it towards our comfort and functionality. Our RV was a bargain deal and came pretty bare. Just to highlight the most current upgrades, I installed 15kbtu ac in the bedroom, 14kbtu portable ac in the livingroom and it came with a 15kbtu ac in the diningroom/kitchen, 3 each fantastic ceiling vent/fans, 4 slide-out awnings, new bathroom skylight, that’s just a few things I have completed this last month. Just a side note, while living in this sun we have noticed alot of exterior plastic materials have already started cracking, distorting and deteriorating) I am currently preparing area style space and weight of a good solar setup.
Ok, done boring you with my stuff if you are curious you can look me up on Facebook “gregg remedes”
Finally, you are driving me crazy right now with some terminology, what is an RV? An RV is a RECREATIONAL VEHICLE. all livable self contained trailer, bus, van, motorhome, boat….. so when you state ” RV -vs- trailer is crazy because they are the same thing. Try comparing a trailer -vs- motorhome. Thank you. Other than that, great videos. Safe travels.
Mark and Trish. Cant wait for my STR t-shirt arrives Happy to become an insider so keep pumping out your videos. Also I emailed you earlier but not sure you got the message. Before you leave Fort Wilderness this week you must must take the family to the World Hang Gliding championships in Groveland Fl. 25 minutes west of Disney. Its going ion this week thru May 1st. I did a post from there on my page that I hope you will look at. Pay attention to the interview with the owner as he explained how they do tandem hang gliding rides for beginners. These guys are world competitors. See my blog at It would be an awesome video. I am a photographer with the Orlando Sentinel and fond gems like this on occasions.
Hi there! First, let me say thank you both for all the fantastic content you provide to rv “newbs” like me. I haven’t even purchased my first rig yet (still awaiting a buyer for my house) but it’s good to know I can start now and “small” and go from there. I have LOTS of questions that I’m hoping will be answered as I continue to watch your YouTube channel, listen to the podcasts and read through the emails I’m now going to receive. But I have one question particularly that I need answered rather quickly: What is the best cellular service provider for an rv-ing nomad? I need to find out soon, as my cellular plan is eligible to cancel without penalty this month. Thoughts?
Hey Y’all! We’ve been following KYD for a few years now, from packing up your house to sending Carson off to school. You both make the challenge look easy! We met you at the Grand Design National Rally in Goshen IN. We attended your “Alaska 101” preso and learned a lot from your experience.
Keep entertaining us weekly as we look forward to your next video.
Hello, just wanted to say I love the YouTube channel and wanted to share a video that can save you money. you may have seen it already. it is Changing Lanes. at the end they show how to save on fuel. The company I work for uses this card and saves lots of money.
Hi Guys we have been following you for a long time. My husband John and I are full timing for the second time in our lives. The first time was 9 yrs, this time almost a year. We decided we needed to do this before we can’t. We are both 70s. Stay safe and healthy.
Started watching one day after going out to see some good friends out at the river during spring break they go every year and always ask us to come out ,they stay out there all week, the wife is always up for it me on the other hand not much lol. I ended watching all of season 1 a few days after getting home. i came upon your videos while doing some research on trailers .I must say truly enjoyed them. Long story short today we bought a Grand Design 2020 2800BH can wait for this darn pandemic to be behind us, and of course praying for everyone to be well, and then the adventure will begin. The videos are awesome. Be safe and be well. Thanks Louis
Hey Mark and Trish! My name is Todd and I love to rv. My family and I are not full timers but We try to go as much as we can. We have worked our way up from tenting to our newest travel trailer a 2019 flagstaff classic 832bhikws. We love to call it the Flagship.
I watch your vlogs every week and love to see the adventures you and your family get into.I am closing in on retirement and hope we will be able to spend more time in our RV.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to every Sunday to get ideas on all the rv things that are out there.
Mark could you tell me the name of the cargo slide you bought for you F-250? I think I need one of those.
Thanks, Todd Persutte
Mark and Trish,
Thank ya’ll for sharing your Daydream! I could use some advice. I am retiring 31 July 2020 and the wife and I plan to start a 3 month RV trip up the east coast to Maine (from Florida) starting Aug 5th. We’ve had our 26′ Kodiak travel trailer for about a year now but still feel like newbies. We have already booked 22 different campgrounds along the way. We are in our mid 50’s but are really concerned about the COVID-19 situation. Debating whether to cancel or not. Love to hear your thoughts. Also, if we decide to go, do you have any advice how handle the situation if one of us gets infected along the way?
Stay safe,
Ken & Sharon
My wife and I really enjoy your site & videos; and “Changing Lanes” too. I always like benefiting from others experiences (file under “pain avoidance). I noticed in a previous video you installed a Hensley Arrow on a previous TT. We have an Airstream International Serenity 30RBQ and I installed a ProPride and really like how the trailer tows behind us (Ram 2500 TDC Crew Cab 4X4). It backs kinda goofy, but it’s tolerable and worth it to me given the superior anti-sway characteristics.
Did you transfer your Hensley to your AIrstream? If not, why not, and what WD hitch do you prefer? Also, did you install soft starts on your A/Cs? I have the two Honda 2200 watt gensets I can parallel, but still progressively start them (fan, then compressor) to avoid the current spike on start-up. Did you go with a lift kit with your Airstream?
Again, my wife and I enjoy your videos a great deal and also, appreciate how your production skills have developed over time. The time-lapse cloud sequence in Grand Teton NP was inspiring! Can’t wait for extended RV travel…I retire from my job at the USN Supervisor of Salvage job 31 July then are anxious to get back to the big NPs out west, your videos help us keep focus and aid in our preparation. Take care and please keep those videos coming.
We are going to start our full time RVing life soon. It’s only me and the hubs. We haven’t even walked through a even yet!
Any tips on keeping our residence in Texas?
We are currently living in the dfw TX area.
Forced into retirement by Covid (job eliminated, applied for SS earlier than planned) turned out to be a gift. On Jan 15, 2020 my husband and I leave on a 10 month trip visiting National Parks and other places we are interested in (I am an avid birder). Just finished watching your Season 5 series on Alaska. Lots of great tips and especially appreciated the information on road conditions, etc. Also we loved your remarks regarding “dips” and “snowballs”. We have some experience with both, but found your perspective helpful. Hope you meet you sometime on the road.
Deb, currently from Jacksonville, FL
Hi Marc-
I thought you may like this Ford Payload Calculator
It’s pretty cool.
Plug in the truck VIN and the specs of the truck shows up.
Plug in the trailer details and it calcs the paload.
This is also great for someone looking to buy a truck new or used.
All you need is the VIN
Happy Trails
Very cool. Thanks for sharing!
Hello Marc & Trish
My husband and I have a dream of going FT and our question is, how do we figure what our yearly expenses will be for FT living? I hope this makes sense. TIA
I just watch your class A episode I have a class A gas 35 foot we love it the other plus Mark it will pull a 20211 Bronco with no problem. I’m just saying
Yes, dreams matter when you want to accomplish something in your life. Only then will you be able to move in a specific direction and find your true passion.
Your podcasts are always a treat to the ear while driving.
I’m kind of late to the game. My Dad introduced me to your YouTube channel because we both like travel channels with positive people. Lately I’ve been getting more and more into your content, and just came across this post. SO HELPFUL!!!
I’ve been a stay at home homeschool mom for the last 10 years. My youngest will be graduating high school next Spring. It’s time for a change.
I’ve recently been accepted into University to get my degree in Psychology. I plan to go onto get my masters and become a LPC. I’m all about self learning (homeschool mom 🙋🏻♀️), so this list of steps working towards a dream/goal is FANTASTIC!
Thank you so much for your work and staying committed to helping others reach for their dreams and live their best life. You’ve been a great influence and inspiration to me to do just that.
And side note… you’ve also been a great example of what healthy relationships look like. 🙌🏻
I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next for you!
Grace and Peace ✌🏻
Thanks so much for doing what you. My husband and I have been thinking about traveling for 9 years, at the time he retired, I was still working and felt like I just couldn’t give up my job and be away from aging parents and grandchildren. We bought an older 5 th wheel and took our granddaughter to the beach and on the way back the 5 th wheel came apart. got it home and I was going to make a tiny house out of it, after tearing it apart and seeing all the mold and rotten wood, I ended up giving it to a homeless man.
I have recently went to prn at work, and we are looking for a small RV to travel. We are thinking about buying a cargo trailer and turning it in to a camper, Do you have any opinion or know anyone that has done that. I was going to tear out my horse trailer and make it a camper, Good bones, but just too small and I need my horse trailer , if I ever need to transport my horses.
We have pick a date in Jan, to go to the keys, we have actually booked camping spots, but no camper.
Hello 👋 Marc & Trish you can call me Jean, for short. We’re here from NM. Las Cruces, Hi Neighbor 👋 and were watching you guys since 2019″ and I love your show. There’s a part of your shows is similarity from what we’re doing like 👍 you said, experience, I believe that! Specially ” you still have the little ones, and enjoy 😉 So I brought food with us! And now ‘ just only me and him, my husband. We are ready to go! maybe next year? But the question is do you think Utah is a good place for us? We have a Mini Rockwood trailer, give us a good 👍 places to Campground. I appreciate 🙏 you guys help and I nice meeting you both 😊 ☺ ❤ have a great time.
You guys are really the best! Appreciate the weekly visits with you folks. And my wife loves the cookbook. Heading to Ft. Wilderness Sunday and have a couple recipes on the menu. Keep up the great work!!
Hey Guys,
Can’t begin to tell you what a BLAST we had participating in some small way at the E3 Gathering! We were so happy to share our workamping experiences and the great Blessings that this lifestyle affords to people. Please feel free to reach out and let us know of anything further we can do to help your members “live the life they dream of”! Blessings!
Happy Birthday Caleb! Mine is today. Lots of great people born in a
February. You and your folks make our Sunday night!!
Hey Mark,
A solution for your parking the Airstream at the Bungalow is to put a hitch on the front of your truck. I have an F350 and putting the Boat in the driveway next to the RV is a challenge. But if I push it back, problem solved. Also Humble road has a great video on never fail Pex pipe connection.
I’ve started the dream. We have a small class B which has worked well. My question is, we have a lovely condo on the lake in mid Michigan. We enjoy visiting in the summer. So that leaves colder months for travel. Any ideas on what to see or where to go in the winter
We hit the road in 24 days! From NC to Michigan U.P. to Apostle Islands, to Duluth, MN up the North Shore to Thunder Bay. Coming home by way of Ontario. We have reservations in 3 Provincial Parks. We have a Forest River Flagstaff 21D. We’ve been watching KYD for years! So inspiring! “Scout It Out”
Hi Marc – still very much enjoying your videos. I searched your Amazon list and didn’t see anything related to cell signal boosting. We are not full-time but very close. Currently we use our cell hotspot if campground doesn’t have reliable Wi-Fi. You may be using a more permanent solution. Do you have a cell booster recommendation? Btw you may be right as far as needing flat bed trailer for Caleb’s new car – lol. Thx Ken
Well, after watching KYD for the last three years (binge watched your entire journey back in March of 2020 during a COVID episode) and talking and planning, we are FINALLY getting our first TT. I told my hubby the other day, “Look, you’re turning 70 next year, it’s now or never!” So, we found a great deal on a new “used” 2022 Little Guy Max from a private seller and we are driving from north GA to TN to pick it up on Wednesday! Praying we haven’t bitten off more that we can chew, but we are excited and looking forward to new adventures!
Thank you for all the excellent advice you all have given on your channel over the years. We have thoroughly enjoyed watching your family grow and change, and living vicariously through you as you’ve explored our beautiful nation! Maybe we’ll see you one day on the road somewhere. 🙂 Blessings! Linda and Craig Lee
Hey Marc,
Happy Birthday! We are going back and watching old episodes and it just so happened we watched the Mexico stuff with just you and Trish then the season 4 intro. And it was September 21at in the video. Now that you’re fellow Floridians lots of cool stuff you haven’t seen yet.
You guys are always inspiring…going through family issues with my father passing away and because I was working in the medical field with Covid, we were stationary in our hometown for quite a while…we finally took a journey with our B+ LTV for 6 weeks through the northeast and loved it…your episodes keep my heart happy, and I thank you for that…Keep the Daydream flowing!!
Awesome content for Beginners and Veterans. Amazing and when I have the time will be watching all seasons from the beginning, Keep up the great work. Maiden voyage is the end of April can’t wait.
Great blog! Do you have any tips for aspiring writers? I’m hoping to start my own site soon but I’m a little lost on everything. Would you recommend starting with a free platform like WordPress or go for a paid option? There are so many choices out there that I’m completely overwhelmed .. Any suggestions? Thanks!
How do i find a complete list of your episodes
Could you do a video on your truck? Specifically what is involved making the switch from gas to diesel. My RAM 1500 will be replaced in the next 2 years with a 2500 or a F250. I am considering switching to diesel but have never owned one before and would like to know what’s involved, pros and cons, and your experience and recommendations. Thanks!!
Hello! I am a nurse and my husband has retired! We have recently joined the KYD community! KYD has inspired us so much to start RV’ing, I am so hooked on this community and channel! We have been watching for several years! I love being a nurse but we REALLY want to try RV’ing for maybe 6 months to a year! We have just bought an alliance 5th wheel and really want to get going! I just don’t know how I can work on the road, being a nurse…I don’t want to have to work shift work at a hospital, I am getting old for that..haha 55yrs old. I currently work part-time as a preop nurse in an outpatient setting. Is there anything that a seasoned nurse of 30 years can do while traveling in an RV?!? Any advice out there?
How do you determine how long to stay at a destination? If you plan stops then your locked into the bookings. The downside is this does not allow flexibility in your trip. How can you get the best of both? Or is there a rule of thumb?