Show Notes: Ep #9 Turf to Surf
Listen to Part 2 of Ep 9: Turf to Surf – Seeking the Next Adventure
To connect with Turf to Surf and learn more about their bold adventures, visit their website here!
More About Turf to Surf
Life is a self-made curriculum. That’s what Ryan & Tasha from Turf to Surf believe! Let them take you outside the classroom to learn what adventure can look like. From land to sea they are always on the path of discovery – and why not? It’s not about what we hold on to but how we are growing from taking on new experiences.
Together they created a school – teaching language…but what they learned is helping others achieve their goals – taught them about, entrepreneurship, travel and where their life was bound for next.
Tasha says, one crazy idea leads to the next and the next…this may have been how Ryan nudged them into sailing…and its defiantly how Tasha has hundreds of documented experiences on her blog to share with anyone that has a taste for excitement.
Tasha’s love of stories drives her to wright…their love for adrenaline drives them to chase adventures and what they have lived through are tales spun from dusty roads and unforgiving seas. But as they say in the podcast…a large part of seeking adventure is to discover what you don’t know and what you end up with is the catalyst for change.
Clipper Race Information
Check out more information about the Clipper Race here. And read about it on the Turf to Surf website here.
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